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Democratic opposition calls for strengthening verification in the face of blockade of electoral observers

Democratic opposition calls for strengthening verification in the face of blockade of electoral observers

CARACAS. – The Unitary Platform, an alliance of parties of the opposition democratic, called to redouble efforts in the face of the veto that the administration of Nicolás Maduro, aspiring to a third term, placed on the former presidents of the IDEA Group and parliamentarians from Europe, Colombia, Argentina and Ecuador to enter the country as international observers in the elections. presidential July 28th.

“This situation puts the emphasis on another type of observation. We do not have international observation, so we need national observation to be more forceful and more conclusive. We are going to comply with the law and we are going to redouble citizen verification. And how are we going to do it? Taking care of the witnesses, checking that they have water, we take turns and at closing time everyone is in their center for citizen observation and the numbers are going to be the numbers,” said the leader Delsa Solórzano, main witness for candidate Edmundo González Urrutia before the National Electoral Council (CNE).

In a press conference on the afternoon of Friday, July 26, Solórzano condemned the attack against the former presidents and the parliamentarians who were prevented from entering Venezuela on the eve of the elections. “We strongly condemn this act. If there is one thing that democrats want, it is for there to be a clean, pristine, transparent process,” he said.

At the same time, he said that this Sunday the Venezuelan people will vote massively.

“There is a guarantee that the witnesses will be there to ensure that the electoral regulations are complied with. Less than 1% of incidents occur at these tables and nothing more has happened because our witnesses are there and they know how to defend their rights,” said the leader.

Presidential elections in peace

Former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles condemned “the arbitrary acts and abuses to which former presidents of various countries, congressmen, and journalists have been subjected; those who came to observe the presidential elections.”

He added that Maduro and his leadership are once again making power “a dark place and are once again abusing it.”

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“Maduro’s double talk has no limits! Actions like these will not stop the will of millions of Venezuelans who are determined to change and express themselves next Sunday. The observation they are trying to prevent will be made by the people who will watch over an election that will be peaceful,” Capriles said on the social network X.


Source: Command with Venezuela/ Henrique Capriles

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