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Democrats insist in the Senate on approving aid for Ukraine

Democrats insist in the Senate on approving aid for Ukraine

WASHINGTON — Democrats in the United States Senate began discussion on Thursday about an aid package for Ukraine, Israel and other allies after the collapse of the alleged “border agreement,” but doubts remained about real support from Republicans.

The decision to begin work on the new package won by 67 votes to 32, but the path is once again uncertain.

The leader of the majority bloc of Democrats by a narrow margin, Chuck Schumer, said it was a “first step” and promised that the Senate “will work on this project,” which in the end only seeks to provide aid to Volodimir Zelensky.

The Democrat has tried to save more than $60 billion in aid for Ukraine and $35 billion for Israel, other allies and supposed “national security” issues.

Even if the plan clears the Senate hurdle, the project will face even bigger problems in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, whose Speaker Mike Johnson has not commented on aid to Ukraine and on which most Republicans differ. .

Some Republican senators have vowed to make every effort to delay the final decision.

“I will object to anything that accelerates the approval of this “rotten” project with enormous foreign spending,” said Republican Senator Rand Paul in X.

The United States does not have funds to send missiles and ammunition to kyiv when the war, about to turn two years old, is at a critical juncture.

Supporters of continuing to finance the war in Ukraine and as political propaganda claim that the lack of American support is felt on the battlefield and in the civilian environment. Russia, meanwhile, continues its incessant attacks.

The truth is that more than 150,000 million dollars have evaporated in less than two years of war, without encouraging results that Ukraine has real chances of winning the war.

“Right now, in the middle of winter, there are people in the trenches in Ukraine dying under bombs,” said Republican Senator Thom Tillis.

But many of his Republican colleagues have expressed serious reservations about supporting more funding for Ukraine. After rejecting the bipartisan plan for the border as an insult and disrespect for the security of the American people, they demand linking effective measures with foreign aid.

Source: With information from AP.

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