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Dengue cases increase in Florida, Miami-Dade is the most affected county

Dengue cases increase in Florida, Miami-Dade is the most affected county

MIAMI.- Florida is on alert due to the increase in dengue cases. The increase places the state with the highest number of people infected with the virus nationwide, according to data from health authorities.

dengue It is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito., known as the “home” mosquito because of its domiciliary habits. The disease is mainly tropical in origin; However, occasionally dengue can be transmitted by infected travelers.

According to the Florida Department of Health, dengue cases in the Sunshine State have doubled compared to the same period last year, an increase that is mainly due to travelers who have contracted the virus in the Caribbean and the Southern Hemisphere.

So far, 164 cases had been reported, of which only six were not related to international travel. At least 54 people infected with the virus, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito, made recent trips to Cuba before developing symptoms, while another 38 had been to Brazil.

Miami-Dade reports 41% of cases

The report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that Miami-Dade County is the most affected with a total of 74 cases of the 180 that are recorded in Florida , which represents 41% of those infected in the state.

However, the majority of dengue cases occurred in people who traveled two weeks before symptoms began and only seven acquired it in Miami-Dade.

The second place, behind Florida, the state that reports the most cases of people infected with dengue throughout the national territory is New York, with 114 reports, of which none were contracted locally.

While the entity with the highest number of infected among all US jurisdictions is Puerto Rico with more than 1,000 people infected by the disease. For its part, Broward County was also significantly affected, with 30 cases reported so far this year.

Alarming figures in Latin America

Recently, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alarming report on the dengue situation in Latin America and the Caribbean so far this year, which indicates that the region is headed for the worst season of the disease.

The figures revealed that more than 3,274 people have died from dengue, while 7.6 million cases have presented the disease. These figures exceed the cases reported in 2022 and 2023.


Dengue is a disease transmitted through mosquito bites, which can infect approximately 1 in 4 people bitten by mosquitoes carrying the disease. This trend highlights the importance of coordinated preventative measures, and mosquito control especially for travelers to prevent the spread of this potentially deadly virus.

Faced with this scenario, Florida health authorities urge the population to be attentive to symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if they detect that they have been infected, especially after having traveled to areas where dengue is endemic.

Common symptoms of dengue include fever, joint or muscle pain, rash, nausea, vomiting, headache, eye pain. These usually start a few days after being bitten, but can take up to two weeks to develop.

In severe cases, dengue can cause complications such as bleeding from the nose and gums, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, and abdominal pain and even death.

Therefore, the CDC advises taking precautions such as using insect repellent, long-sleeved shirts and pants, staying in air-conditioned places, and eliminating stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed.


Source: With information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Florida Department of Health

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