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Dengue: Successful progress in the development of a liquid formulation

After the increase in viral diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever transmitted by the mosquito Aedes; an agreement between INTA Salta, the provincial Ministry of Health and the National University of Salta will seek work in the production and distribution of biocontrollers, to be used in the control of insect vectors of these diseases.

According to reported the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, some time ago, the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and Zoology of INTA Castelar (IMyZA) produced a biolarvicide for the control of the dengue transmitter that it is fumigated over the bodies of water where the mosquito larva grows; and at that time they assured that progress could already be made in the transfer to the successful development of a liquid formulation.

Likewise, the progress and the steps taken within the framework of the agreement, allowed —among other things— the installation of the Laboratory of research and production of Biocontrollers and the training of socio-environmental agents of the municipalities with a high risk of transmission of the virus for the application of the product.

Now, the three institutions expressed the desire to continue in the same line of work and broaden the spectrum of application of the product so that, when its effectiveness in the field can be verified, it can be replicated on a national scale.

As an institution we hope to continue contributing to sustainable development referring to the efficient and rational administration of our natural resources, in order to contribute to the well-being of the current population, without compromising the quality of life of future generations.”, he pointed out Guadalupe Mercado CardenasINTA Salta researcher.

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