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denounce "sanitary pump" due to the accumulation of pathogenic residues in Mater Dei

A conflict that worsens in the Mater Dei Institute of La Plata generates great concern among the workers, who They assure that the private health center of 45 between 13 and 14 became a “sanitary bomb” about to explode. The origin of this critical situation is that -according to this statement- those responsible for the clinic would have stopped paying the company in charge of collecting the pathogenic residues that occur daily. The consequence is the dangerous accumulation of bags containing those elements destined for discarding..

That fear was expressed to by clinic workers, who see how the red bags with the waste accumulate. To endorse the complaint, they provided photographic material that proves it.

The waste is one more chapter in a long history of conflicts in that clinic, some of which led to legal action such as closure. Now, as reported by the workers, it arose because those responsible did not pay the company lamcephin charge of removing hospital waste. That is why they demand an urgent intervention so that the bags are removed.

The discomfort is growing due to the history of conflicts that Mater Dei has, alleging that it does not pay for the service because, in turn, the provincial government does not pay for the benefits. According to the statement, this situation has already been regularized, so it would not be a valid argument to discontinue the payment. as far as he could tell, last year there were meetings between the clinic and the Buenos Aires authorities where the debts were paid and the situation returned to normal. Notwithstanding that, the speculation is that the authorities aspire that due to the health emergency it is the Buenos Aires government itself that settles the debt with Lamcef.

This is not Mater Dei’s first conflict with pathogenic waste. In mid-2020, at that time in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, those in charge of the Institute expressed concern about the accumulation of this dangerous pathological waste. At that time the company He stopped withdrawing them also because of a debt. The authorities of the clinic criticized that the Decree of Urgent Need (DNU) 311/2020 was not complied with, which prohibited cutting off essential services due to late payment or non-payment of up to three consecutive bills for private sanatoriums.

Thus, boxes containing discarded materials were accumulated. They are highly dangerous since they can be infected with various diseases. As in all the clinics in the region, these boxes remain for a certain time in each sanatorium and, for this reason, the company must pick them up three times a week, in an authorized truck that complies with all the protocols of biosecurity.

Now the scenario has changed because the pandemic is receding and there is no debt from the Buenos Aires government with the clinic that justifies the delay in paying for the service. The red bags accumulate in a sector of the clinic and the workers fear that it will become a “sanitary bomb”.

Irregularities of this type led to the closure of the clinic in 2022 due to the fact that it presented an irregular situation in terms of compliance with the protocol, the handling of pathogenic waste and documentation. Inconveniences related to fines for administrative irregularities since 2016 were mentioned. According to a chronology released by the health portfolio at that time, since that date 30 minutes were drawn up.

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