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Deposit for cans for a good cause: 21,000 euros in donations for the DLRG

A little story with a happy ending on the Havel: Two years ago, the Nestler and Peterson families from Berlin stumbled across a message in the Spandau newsletter from the Tagesspiegel. The Spandau DLRG around Christin Respondek (over 1000 people) needed financial help after a nasty cloaca damage in a rescue station at the bathing lake. The families wanted to support the volunteer lifesavers – and had an idea.

They collected deposits: not a can, not two bottles, but all the receipts that their customers donated to charity. What is meant is the supermarket family around Reimer Nestler and son-in-law Florian Peterson, who have five Rewe branches (“with 150 employees”) in Kladow, Siemensstadt, Schönwalder Straße, Brunsbütteler Damm and Groß Glienicke. The company transferred 5,000 euros to the lifeguards as emergency aid.

The DLRG now drew an interim balance. “After a good two years, we can look back on a very successful donation project. Rewe Peterson Warenhandels GmbH supported us with a deposit voucher campaign with regular donations. We were happy to receive donations totaling 21,000 euros.”

Money for new cupboards, boat trailer, medical backpack

This was used to finance cupboards in the rescue station on Lake Glienicke, as well as a first-aid backpack, a volunteer party, material for swimming training and a boat trailer. And the rescue station itself could finally be repaired after a lot of public attention.

In 2023, the supermarket family will collect money for another project. “Since child poverty is obviously also increasing in Germany, we have decided to dedicate ourselves to this matter in the next two years,” writes Christel Enghardt, the company’s general manager. “We have a Berlin company as a partner, Kira v. Prussia Foundation because it started to take care of the deportation of children after the end of the Second World War.” There is more information here:

The entrepreneurs are also investing in two major construction sites, which have been a topic in the Tagesspiegel for many years: In the current Spandau newsletter, the company gives an update on the million-euro projects on Brunsbütteler Damm in Staaken and on the dominant supermarket on Kladower village square. Both shape their places and are not exactly a feast for the eyes. Is anything happening after all the debates? Read more in the current Spandau newsletter below

Here are the top topics from the Spandau newsletter

Our newsletter for the Berlin districts already has more than 270,000 subscriptions – free of charge Here are some of the top topics from the current Spandau newsletter.

  • remedial measures: 40,000 euros for city council office
  • rambo in the old town: a special cultural tip
  • postal vote starts in the town hall – 19 people came on the 1st day
  • mayoress writes New Year’s speech to newsletter readers
  • Kladow and Brunsbütteler Damm: News about neighborhood supermarkets
  • Sharp lane: Puzzles about barriers on the bike path
  • Excellent! 21,000 euros Donations for the DLRG
  • Haselhorst: Project start for high school in the water town
  • news for tenant assistance
  • Staaken: Idea for elementary school on the military road
  • “Green Ring”: Spandau’s new 6-kilometer park
  • Wannsee: Tree felling on the BVG ferry
  • Old town: gift exchange after the festival
  • theater workshop Kladow invites you
  • Kant, BBO, WBO and Co.: open days
  • Queer youth club on Triftstrasse?
  • Sports: Berlin Derby at the bowling alley in Siemensstadt
  • “Hitler’s Bronze Horses” can be seen
  • pastor shows New Year’s photos from St. Nikolai
  • Wilhelmplatz, Melanchthonplatz, Metzerplatz: Reader opinions on the places
  • …and much more in the newsletter below

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