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DeSantis fires his campaign manager as Trump vastly leads him in polls

DeSantis fires his campaign manager as Trump vastly leads him in polls

MIAMI – Florida Governor and 2024 Republican hopeful Ron DeSantis has replaced his campaign manager, Generra Peck, after a significant downsizing on his team and as he finds himself further behind the frontrunner in polls, former President Donald Trump.

In a statement released Tuesday, The Messenger News reported that Peck will be replaced by the chief of staff of the governor’s office, James Uthmeier.

According to the aforementioned outlet, the outgoing campaign manager will remain as campaign strategist and “as part of the restructuring.”

Peck guided DeSantis’ gubernatorial re-election last year, but “quickly became the target of criticism from DeSantis’ advisers and donors in mid-July after his presidential campaign stalled and money dried up,” the outlet added. .

As NBC reported Tuesday from Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, “top advisers see the first debates scheduled for August 23 in Milwaukee as a key moment for DeSantis to regain some momentum and try to close the gap with Trump.”

DeSantis is in second place in the vote intention polls for the 2024 primaries, but well behind the first, Trump.

The current governor of Florida is unable to get his campaign to rise for the Republican primaries and, according to a poll published on July 22, he is not only 40 points behind Trump, but only two points behind businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

The Harvard Harris poll shows that Trump completely dominates the panorama ahead of the primaries, with 52% of voting intentions, even despite having lost seven points compared to the previous poll, and gives him an advantage of five points over the current president, Joe Biden, with 45% support compared to 40%.

It also makes it clear that DeSantis, with 12% support, would only have a chance of winning the nomination today if Trump, his former godfather, withdrew from the race.

Last July, frontrunner Ron DeSantis fired up to a third of his presidential campaign team as he studies how to revive his candidacy for the Republican primary.

As reported by the specialized media Politico, the personnel cuts in his campaign office add up to a total of 38 and correspond to positions in various departments. The figure includes the ten people from the events area who were fired weeks ago.

Amid great expectation, the governor of Florida announced at the end of May his candidacy in the Republican primaries to choose the nominee for this party in the 2024 presidential elections, in which the current president of the United States, Democrat Joe Biden He will seek re-election.

Since then, DeSantis has always remained in the second position among the voters of this party, far behind Trump and without being able to come back in the polls of voting intentions and even placing himself further and further away from him.

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