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DeSantis signs law authorizing immediate eviction of squatted homes

DeSantis signs law authorizing immediate eviction of squatted homes

MIAMI.- Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, signed the bill that protects property rights and authorizes the immediate eviction of illegal occupants of a home in the state.

“We are putting an end to the squatter scam in Florida,” the governor said before signing the law in Orlando on March 27.

“While other states side with squatters, we protect homeowners and punish criminals who seek to game the system.”

Under HB 621, a homeowner can ask local authorities to immediately remove a squatter if the squatter has trespassed and remains on the property, if the homeowner has ordered the squatter to leave the home and occupier refuses, and if he is not a real tenant and, therefore, lacks a contract.

In addition, the new rule that will come into force on July 1 establishes severe sanctions for those who participate in the occupation and for those who promote it. Considers it a first-degree misdemeanor to write a false statement for the purpose of conveying ownership.

Unlawfully occupying or trespassing and intentionally causing $1,000 or more in damage is considered a second-degree felony. It shall be a first degree felony to knowingly advertise the sale or rental of residential property without proper authorization or without being the legal owner.

“Florida once again leads the nation, this time protecting our state against squatters,” said Attorney General Ashley Moody.

“Biden has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to cross the border. “After video evidence emerged of their plan to seize homes, we have ensured that Floridians are protected from this egregious and brazen plan,” the prosecutor said without elaborating and thanked the governor for signing the law. “

(email protected)

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