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DeSantis takes advantage of Trump in Florida ahead of the 2024 primaries – Hola News

Miami, Apr 4 (EFE).- 44% of Florida voters support state governor Ron DeSantis as the Republican presidential candidate in 2024, compared to 39% for former President Donald Trump, according to a survey Posted this Tuesday.

The results of the Mason-Dixon company poll, conducted last week of 625 registered Florida voters and with a 4% margin of error, differ from those conducted nationwide on next year’s Republican primaries.

In virtually all of those polls, Trump leads his potential rivals by as much as 30-point margins.

The governor, re-elected by a large majority in 2022, has not yet revealed whether he will compete for the Republican nomination, but there are many signs that he is already in the campaign, starting with the attacks he regularly receives from his former political godfather Trump, who claims that without his support would not even have reached the governorship in 2018.

So far only Trump, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and former Arkansas Gov. William Asa Hutchinson are officially contenders for the 2024 Republican nomination.

The Mason-Dixon poll, published Tuesday in outlets such as the NBC 6 television channel, shows that DeSantis’ popularity is high at the beginning of the first year of his second term.

59% are happy with their work, four points more than last September, 39% dissatisfied and 2% don’t know.

90% of Republicans approve of DeSantis and 24% of Democrats also.

His popularity is higher among white voters (65% approve vs. 33% disapprove) and among Hispanics (56% approve vs. 41% disapprove).

By contrast, African-Americans don’t want it. A full 70% of this group disapproves of DeSantis versus 29% who view him favorably.

Counties in the southeast of the state, such as Miami-Dade, the most populous in Florida, are the only ones where more disapprove of DeSantis (49%) than approve (48%).

The survey also reveals that 60% of Floridians disapprove of the US president, Democrat Joe Biden, who in Florida obtained fewer votes in 2020 than Trump, and 50% reject the former president, who has his legal address in Palm Beach (Florida).

Trump will be indicted this Tuesday in New York on criminal charges related to payments he allegedly made in 2016 to porn actress Stormy Daniels to buy her silence for a sexual relationship they would have had some ten years earlier.

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