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Desktop vs. portable: Which consumes more electricity and generates more electricity costs?

When we choose between a desktop computer and a laptop, we think about several points before making the purchase. The space that each one would occupy in our home, the size of the screen, the power of its specifications, but we rarely ask ourselves for the electricity consumption of each piece of equipment and the repercussions it would have on the electricity bill.

Not all desktops are the same, not all notebooks are the same, much less are they identical to each other. Certainly, there are differences that mark which device consumes more energy, such as the age of the equipment, since the most modern computers are more optimized and consume less.

According to a report published on the website of Zone networksif we compare a desktop PC and a laptop with similar characteristics and from the same era, the one that consumes less electricity is the laptop.

Why do laptops consume less electricity?

The report adds that a desktop computer, other things being equal, can double the power consumption of the laptop. They are less optimized equipment, with a more demanding power supply and there is a point that divides logic: the laptop can work disconnected, the desktop cannot.

Beyond the previous points, there is an even more important key and it is the screen. Desktop panels are monitors, external screens as some call them, while laptops have their built-in screens.

As a gadget, the monitor of a desktop PC is the one that consumes the most electricity and here the point of the type of monitor also applies. Now, LED screens are the ones that consume the leastso if your computer is desktop and the monitor is not LED, you will have to worry even more about the electricity bill.

Factors such as the processor, the motherboard, the connected peripherals and the use you give to the screen also enter. Regardless of the type of panel, It will always be advisable to lower the brightness a little.

In figures, a desktop PC consumes between 80 and 120 W, while a laptop is around 40-80 Wso if the purchase of your next computer depends on this, we recommend you buy a laptop.

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