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Despite stress with these simple techniques

Mexico City.- We know that stress surrounds us day by day, but, have you ever tried to control it? If you are interested in finding out, you are on the page indicated, we will tell you the techniques to combat stress and decide adiós to the tension of day to day.

Remember that each person can respond differently to the ways to reduce stress, which is why we recommend you find the way that works best for you and always consult an expert. To give your life and state of mind a spin and to have a better attitude day by day follow these simple and efficient advice. Techniques to combat stress Meditate to release stress Surely you have heard this technique many times and, without a doubt, it has been proven that it helps and is an effective way to reduce stress. You can practice guided meditation or in silence. Meditation also helps to calm down and concentrate to achieve a moment of peace, this reduces anxiety and worry. If you are new to the topic, don’t worry, the joke is to go little by little so try to dedicate five minutes of your day to meditation and you will see how you progress in the same time that you feel better.

If you are interested in learning and doing a guided meditation, you have to follow @meditapodcast on Instagram. On its page you can find different ways to meditate as well as tips on mindfulness.

Physical exercise as anti-stress therapy

Physical exercise is a natural way to reduce stress. The exercise releases endorphins in the brain and this improves our state of mind and makes us feel good. No one has ever regretted doing it and you certainly won’t be the exception. Activate and sweat everything is what prevents you from having a clear mind.

We share you on the Instagram of the expert Renata Gomez so that you can do your straights and workouts to physically activate my toning parts of the body. Instagram: @rengmz

Deep breathing technique to reduce stress

It doesn’t just help us relax, deep breathing makes us enter moments of consciousness where we can think with more clarity, it’s a simple but very effective technique. We recommend you do the 4-7-8 technique, which consists of inhaling for four seconds, holding your breath for seven seconds and then exhaling for eight seconds. Do this technique the times you think you need to feel better. What are you waiting for to try it?

Prepare your playlist to de-stress

So, the music reduces the levels of the stress hormone. When we listen to the music we like, we release endorphins best known as natural painkillers, so there’s no better way to reduce it than by increasing our state of mind. Put on your favorite playlist and enjoy your favorite songs to say goodbye to stress.

Doing yoga you will achieve good physical and mental health by leaving stress aside. It is probably the favorite technique of millennials, yoga helps to reduce stress significantly. Thanks to having the perfect combination between physical movements, deep breathing and meditation, it is the perfect option to improve your physical and mental health.

On the page of Alo Moves you can choose different types of yoga with varied durations so that you can start little by little and when you feel that you can advance, you will increase the intensity, always by hand with experts.

Creating new hobbies is a great technique to say goodbye to stress

Doing something you enjoy is a good way to fight stress. It can be something as simple as reading a book, watching a movie or doing an outdoor activity surrounded by people who make you feel. Create a new hobby and live your moment of distraction from everyday life.

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to be a constant burden. With these techniques you can help control and reduce it. Get rid of stress and welcome a more relaxed and balanced life!

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