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Despite urgent pending issues, senators go on vacation

With two divided benches and confronted (PRI and Morena), the judicial stalking they have on them to elect two INAI commissioners and without agreeing on the work plan of the Bicameral Commission that was recently installed With a delay of more than three months, the senators overwhelmingly approved taking 12 days of vacation on the occasion of Holy Week.

Senator Félix Salgado de Morena rests during a plenary session Photo: Canal del Congreso

During this Thursday’s session and after discussing all the issues listed on the agenda, the Board of Directors announced the Agreement of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), by which the calendar of the next plenary sessions and legislative activities was readjusted.

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In the document, it is specified that next week the senators will meet on Wednesday in a normal manner and on Thursday the 30th they will have two sessions: morning and evening. As of Friday the 31st they will be on vacation and will return on Wednesday April 12, date they also scheduled two sessions in one day.

With the two days of double sessions, the sessions that will not be held during Holy Week and from April 18 will be compensated. They will resume Tuesdays and Wednesdays to meet, although it will only be on March 26, since the current regular session officially closes on that day.

Will the legislators be paid the dozen holidays?

Always elegant and presentable, the Morenista senator Mónica Fernández Photo: Cuartoscuro

Based on what the Federal Labor Law, holidays or holidays are for workers to celebrate civic or religious festivities, without compromising their job performance. This means that, even if they suspend activities, holidays are paid within their payroll. For this 2023, the Federal Labor Law (LFT) highlights the mandatory rest days that include seven official holidays, but among them, there are not even Good Thursday and Good Friday, which are the only days of the Major Week that are considered non-working, but which are not official.

Senator Josefina Vázquez (PAN) takes time to play Photo: Cuartoscuro

It should be remembered that this yeareach of the 128 senators of the Republic earn 14 thousand 100 pesos more than what they earned in 2022, since his monthly salary went from 105 thousand 600 to 119 thousand 700 pesos, with which, compared to 2022, his monthly salary increase was 13.35%.

And do they have earrings?

Inside the dinosaur mess, the PAN senator, Xóchitl Galvez Photo: Cuartoscuro

Of the pending issues that the senators left for after their vacations, at least two stand out that the legislators themselves consider cannot be postponed: the appointment of two commissioners of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), for which a judge gave a period of three days for these appointments to conclude, after the veto made by the President of two proposals that he considered “agreed” between the majority of Morena and the PAN.

If you do not meet that deadline, the INAI plenary would enter a critical stage to comply with its constitutional obligation to guarantee the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data, since it could not meet due to lack of quorum, since to be legal its sessions must be present at least five members, and as of March 31 there would be only four acting commissioners.

Additionally, the senators left for after the sessions of the Bicameral Commissionwhich was installed just last Wednesday with a delay of three months and which, based on the legislative reforms approved last December, aims to evaluate and monitor the Armed Forces in public security tasks.

This is without taking into account that The PRI Parliamentary Group has the future of four of its members pendingafter the departure of Senator Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong from the Coordination of the Group and the indecision of Senators Claudia Ruiz Massieu, Eruviel Ávila and Nuvia Mayorga to remain in it.

The same situation exists in the majority group of brunette, where Senator Jaime Bonilla left the cherry bench to join the Labor Party and reapply for a license amid rumors of a possible expulsion from the party by Mario Delgado.

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