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Destruction of An-225: Former Antonov director charged

The once world-sized cargo plane could have been evacuated, they say


Serhiy Bychkovthe former general director of Antonov, must decide whether his role in the destruction of the legendary Antonov An-225 Tube responsible. He is accused of not acting in time and an evacuation of this and other machines in the run-up to the Russian attack on Ukraine not to have ordered.

The authorities are investigating because of this negligenceHow Yahoo News reported. The damage is said to be converted over 200 million euros amount, as it is called. Bychkov is currently under arrest.

In the indictment against Bychkov it is therefore also noted that Mriya in a good technical condition been that crew ready and also enough fuel was on site for an evacuation. “All of this indicates that all possibilities existed to evacuate the plane to Leipzig Airport,” it says. It is also mentioned that 6 more planes could have been evacuated.

allegations not new

The allegations are not new. So complained the former chief pilot Dmytro Antonov months ago that the plane could have been saved. According to him, the management already in January from the NATO and employees of its German subsidiary Antonov Logistics received indications of an impending invasion. In the past, the airline has operated charter flights for NATO, among other things, and therefore has good connections to the alliance.

The An-225 and other aircraft were on the Hostomel Airport stationed near Kiev, where there was heavy fighting in the early days of the war. A few days after the start of the war, the destruction of the machine, which was also considered a symbol of Ukrainian aviation, was confirmed.

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