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Diablo 4: a much-loved feature missing at launch, it’s confirmed

Blizzard has confirmed that one of the key features of the license will not be back in Diablo 4. A statement that already displeases the community.

Diablo 4 will be one of the big releases in June. After more than ten years of waiting, the fourth numbered episode is slowly preparing its release. Now that the game has gone Gold, meaning it’s ready to go to print and market, the developers are focusing on final areas for improvement and player feedback after two weekends of beta. The opportunity for Blizzard to check certain choices in terms of gameplay and playability, the publisher is already preparing many changes following feedback from the community. The developers should nevertheless camp their position on certain aspects. One of them moreover concerns a historical functionality of the license which will be absent from Diablo 4 at its launch.

No overlay map in Diablo 4

The team of Diablo 4 Currently working hard on some changes. Blizzard recently shared a long list of changes that will be made based on player feedback. Dungeons will change, classes will be more balanced and the interface will be a little retyped right before the launch of the game on June 6th. The players, on the other hand, made a reproach which will remain unanswered for the moment. Many indeed regret the absence of “overlay map”, a most useful feature which was nevertheless present in all the games of the license. In response to a user on Twitter, Rod Fergusson, the big boss of Blizzard, confirmed that it will not be offered when the release of Diablo 4.

Players will therefore have to do without this option which, let us remember, made it easier to find their way around the world thanks to a transparent superimposed map which appears in the middle of the screen. For the moment at least, because the door does not seem to be entirely closed if we only base ourselves on the tweet in question. However, the feedback from this comment has been negative, with long-time fans feeling deprived of a vital feature and a highlight of the series. ” We absolutely need it “Explains a fan to the boss of Blizzard for example.

The Overlay map in Diablo 3

It would therefore seem that Blizzard prefers to let players discover the open world of Diablo 4 in another way, by pushing them to explore on their own than by relying only on a map displaying the key elements of the map. They will nevertheless be able to orient themselves thanks to the mini-map always available at the corner of the screen or with the complete map available in the game menu.

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