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Diablo 4: Blizzard releases the early days of the Early Access server and the launch

During the test for the next phase of the test of devil 4 It is very high, Activision Blizzard has decided to increase the fan hype by revealing and detailing the specific opening of the server at the time of the action RPG launch.

Rod Ferguson, general manager of the IP press of the software house, has published a new message in his personal Twitter account to confirm when it will be possible to start a game in any part of the world. Che si tratti dell’accesso anticipato o del day one, i server verranno aperti in contemporanea per tutti i paesi del globo: nel caso dell’early access, i giocatori italiani potranno iniziare a giocare a partire dalle pray 1:00 on 2 June 2023invece al lancio sarà possibile iniziare ad accedere dalla Stessa will pray on June 6, 2023. For those who don’t know, I may agree with any day of the advance only and exclusively and giocatori che effettueranno il preorder della versione Deluxe or della Ultimateovvero quelle più costose.

In the light of this game, we are pleased to see that the next Open Beta will be held on May 12, 2023 and, for this purpose, our page will allow you to find all its contents and details and be rewarded by the Diablo 4 stress test.

Do you know who has received the Collector’s Edition of Diablo 4?

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