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Diablo 4: Brilliant or Carnage? Why I’m skeptical after Part 3…

As an outsider it is fascinating to observe, like a obviously not exactly small part of the gamer community Only one topic has been known for days: Diablo 4. The action RPG cracker is one of the most important titles of the gaming year 2023 and is currently in open beta. Those who pre-order are allowed to play a test game, the regular release will take place on June 6, 2023. Of course, we at PC Games are already busy gambling, read our big FAQ and why the beta start is causing problems. But although I see myself as an open-minded player interested in many genres and the game is of course very good objectively, I liked it Diablo never packed. A certain experience with part 3 is me to this day in memory remained.

Diablo: The legendary game series remains a mystery to me

I openly admit it: what Diablo as far as I’m concerned, I’m a total philistine. I have more about that Action RPG series read when I actually played them. Over the years, as a video game enthusiast with a wide range of interests, I have always followed the enthusiasm for the titles with benevolence and fascination. When Diablo 3 finally came out for the Nintendo Switch, I jumped at it and plunged into the world of… I frankly don’t even remember the name of the Diablo game world.

That didn’t stop me, however, from happily shredding myself enemy hordes to oppose. But I didn’t really get warm with the gameplay. After about 15 hours of hacking and slashing, it dawned on me that the fascination with Diablo might only really be revealed in multiplayer. So I persuaded a good friend to do the same Diablo 3 at full price for the Nintendo Switch.

Diablo: And then I just fell asleep

And so from then on we went hunting for the undead together. Diablo 3 turned out to be a wonderful game for chatting about God, work, everyday life and the world on the side. I personally never enjoyed it just because of the gameplay, and it wasn’t really challenging either. A very special moment eventually caused me to abort the game from one moment to the next.

I was once again sitting on the sofa with my friend, switch to switch. Diablo 3 glowed in the module bay and we slaughtered countless opponents. Pressing the same keys over and over again, rolling sideways over and over again…my eyes grew heavy. I was incredibly tired that day and fell without noticing it into a half sleep.

About three minutes later, I woke up and realized two things: My Switch was still in my hands and luckily I hadn’t dropped it. And I had half asleep kept pressing the same buttons and without really being sane, defeated opponents and collected loot. That wasn’t the game’s fault, I was playing on the easiest difficulty. But still I realized: This is definitely a good game and the reason can be immensely fascinating; but it’s just not my type of game.

My buddy was really angry because he had gotten Diablo 3 for 60 euros and I didn’t feel like playing the game anymore. But what should I do?

Is Diablo 4 worth it?

Of course, just because it didn’t click for me doesn’t mean I want to piss anyone off Diablo. And I have to admit that the hype surrounding Diablo 4 (buy now ) and the enthusiasm of the fans quite contagious. The game also looks great. Maybe I should try again. Well rested, on a appropriate level of difficulty and in the bosom of the admirably enthusiastic community.

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