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Diablo 4: Preload for Beta available now

Diablo 4 beta Early Access is just a few days away. As early as Friday, March 17th, all players who have pre-ordered Blizzard’s action-RPG in any form can dive into the world of Sanctuary. Blizzard recently released the pre-download so that you can start right away at 5 p.m. German time.

Diablo 4 beta preload is live

About Diablo 4 (buy now ) to download right now, all you have to do is change your game version from Diablo 4 to Diablo 4 – Beta. The download is a stately 80GB, which is why users with slower Internet connections in particular should not miss this opportunity. However, the download size can also be reduced to 40GB if you remove the high-resolution pack from the download.

Barbarian, Huntress, and Mage classes are available this weekend. The next beta date on March 24th, in which all players who have not yet pre-ordered Diablo 4 can also participate, will be joined by the druid and necromancer.

We have summarized what exactly awaits you in the test phase in a separate article. Among other things, players are allowed to compete against the first world boss from Diablo 4, but only at certain times. So that you don’t miss it, we have listed the exact times for the world boss in another article. Incidentally, Blizzard recently released a new gameplay trailer for the Diablo 4 beta.

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