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Diablo IV: Blizzard developers present the world of Sanctuary

In the midst of all the media slump that Blizzard is currently experiencing, we would almost forget Diablo IV, which is scheduled for release in early June 2023. Blizzard’s communication is intensifying with a video taking us behind the scenes of the game’s creation.

While waiting for the beta, discover the underside of the creation of the world of Sanctuary

Indeed, while the game’s open beta is set for March 24 to 26, Blizzard has just released a detailed 7-minute video allowing us to better understand the artistic direction and gameplay choices made by the Blizzard teams working on the game. project.

The opportunity to have a better overview of the dark and horrifying atmosphere of the universe, but also of the quantity of elements present in the world. Whether through the fauna, the variety of enemies or simply the uniqueness of the environments presented, the developers wanted to create a living world in which there are always things to observe or experience.

Diablo IV will be available on June 6, 2023 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC as well as Xbox Series X|S and PS5. The developers are meeting on February 28 for a stream during which they will release new information.

Immerse yourself in the design of Sanctuary and learn about its different regions, its monstrous inhabitants, and the amazing discoveries that await you in the vast open world of Diablo IV. »

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