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Dialogue with the Community: the cannabis business

Dialogue with the Community: the cannabis business

The cannabis industry for recreational use in our state is becoming increasingly stronger.

There are already more than 75 commercial establishments, or dispensaries authorized for the sale of marijuana, throughout New York.

To talk about the progress and challenges in this business, on this occasion we are joined by Katherine Díaz, public health and campaigns coordinator for the New York State Office of Cannabis Management.


-Kathy, How is the progress on licensing dispensaries? We know that the procedures are being expedited after having been paused for a few months last year. What is the goal for 2024? asks Philip Kint.

– One of the challenges of the industry are the businesses that sell marijuana illegally and that can be seen with the naked eye throughout the city. What can be done to combat this? What efforts exist from the Cannabis Management Office in this regard?

Would you say those efforts have paid off? Or how do you see the progress?

– Kathy please explain more about the Grant Reinvestment Fund. We know that part of the objectives of the legalization of cannabis for recreational use was precisely for the communities disproportionately affected by anti-drug laws linked to marijuana to benefit from the income generated by sales. Do we know how much money has been collected through taxes so far and what progress there is in this regard?

-And has a process been established for the delivery of these funds? What does it consist of?

– And finally, what’s next? What other plans do you have in mind to further strengthen the industry?

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