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Did League of Legends create my new main with Milio?

As a support main, I’m super excited about the new champion in League of Legends – Milio. Since Riot Games is now introducing a new playable character much less frequently, there is also less chance that the new release will fit your playstyle. Luckily the little flame boy from Ishtal is the hammer on my nail, the fire in my fireplace if you will.

As always, Riot Games has equipped Milio with many useful abilities. He possesses crowd control effects, shields, healing, can increase attack range and clears allies from crowd control effects. Initially, the little boy with the cleansing fire had an absurdly high win rate of 51 percent. In the meantime, however, Milio has leveled off again at a more humane 50 percent.

Milio can adapt to almost any situation

I found Milio to be very intuitive and approachable right from the first round. His kit is uncomplicated and offers many tools that can give you an advantage in almost any situation. I really appreciate flexible champions in the support role. With his passive ability, he gives his allies extra damage and burns their target after being touched by Milio’s flames – i.e. gaining shields or healing.

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On the “Q” we find a ball of fire that has a long range but a narrow hit box. If he hits his target, he pushes it back. The bullet then bounces into the air and lands behind the enemy, dealing damage in a small radius and slowing the target. This ability is good for dishing out a little damage in lane, chasing enemies, or stopping an engage. Getting the arc perfect here, especially when the bullet hits a minion first, isn’t easy.

The living campfire, the “W”, creates an area around the ally. This is healed in it and gets a higher attack range. Because that’s not enough, this buffing area follows the next teammate’s every step so that they can take their buffs with them. An incredibly powerful ability that is only kept in check by a relatively high cooldown of over 20 seconds. With a decent ADC, the campfire alone can mean the difference between winning and losing a slugfest. My lane partners were especially happy about the increased attack range when chasing enemies, but the spell can also come in handy when farming from a distance or poking.

You can never go wrong with more attack range.

Phew, at least the “E” is a little easier to knit. Here you can shield allies and speed them up for a short time. The increased movement speed is extremely useful for chasing or running away, especially when paired with the increased attack range.

With his ult, Milio unleashes a surge of beneficial flames that heal and remove control effects from his friends. With this ability, Milio is the perfect partner on lanes where you face heavy control effects. The high cooldown is more than justified here and I didn’t notice it that badly, because there is rarely a situation every minute in which it really makes sense to unpack this powerful ability.

The longer the round goes, the better you can work around Milio’s weaknesses. I see that in the high cooldowns, for which you can simply buy items with Ability Haste, i.e. cooldown reduction. Personally, Milio’s attack range is a little short for me because I’m used to Janna, Lulu, and other utility supports. With a range of 525, Milio is still a bit better off than Rakan or Thresh.

So far I’m very happy with Milio and I’m sure I’ll unwrap the healing flamethrower more often. After all, he offers many new mechanics, which is really no longer a matter of course with the amount of champions in Riot Games’ MOBA. And I also have fun experimenting with Milio’s human flames. Yes, when it comes to Milio, I like to play with fire.

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