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Did you know that playing with dolls develops empathy in children?

see a kid playing with dolls or a girl having fun with balls football it is absolutely normal because toys have no gender. And contrary to what is believed, the simple fact that your child spends entertaining moments playing the family yes it will bring you a lot benefits to your adult life.

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“Toys are made to awaken children’s creativity. Especially dolls or stuffed animals because they are affective toys, then it also helps them to be more sensitive, empathic with others, awakens their protective side. In the future, they will be more conscious and responsible parents”, says the psychologist Juliana Sequera.

If you have young children and are going through something similar, the specialist recommends following these tips:

  1. Don’t judge him, let alone start treating him differently. Toys are gender-neutral and indicative of sexual orientation. This is false! Let him be free and play as many times as he wants.
  2. If you see that your child is worried about the care of babies (dolls), take advantage of and work on values, such as the responsibility of being a good father or older brother. Get the juice out of this situation.
  3. This kind of games they encourage their creativity and empathy with each other. They are children, do not put labels on them!


Unlike logic games where you have to solve problems, By playing with dolls, your children will develop their social skills and be more understanding. There is no need to play ‘dad and mom’, if you see your smug take the doll and worry about feeding it, dressing it, or if it is sick, it is already developing a very important social skill in recent times.

Remember that children’s games are just that: games. We are the adults who put labels and genres on it. Instead of criticizing or judging him, feel proud because he is forming a very strong sensitivity that as an adult will bring him great benefits and he will be a father sure of his responsibilities.


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