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Did you know that these ingredients are perfect for flavoring meat broth? Here are the secrets of the chefs

Did you know that these ingredients are perfect for flavoring meat broth?

Meat broth is a traditional dish that we often prepare in winter. A simple recipe but that could hide pitfalls. In fact, it sometimes happens that you prepare a little tasty broth. But let’s find out what ingredients to add to make it super tasty.

During the cold winter evenings it is a real pleasure to stay warm within the walls of the house. A good book, a TV series, a soft blanket and above all prepare something to eat that warms the body.

There are many dishes that in winter they pamper us and increase our immunity. Let’s think, for example, of vegetable soup. Its heat spreads throughout the body chasing away that annoying feeling of cold.

Even the classic beef broth It’s one of the most loved comfort foods on winter days. One of the basic preparations of the Italian culinary tradition, just like chicken broth and vegetable broth.

Our grandmothers were convinced that it helped to pass colds and flu quickly.

The basic steps to prepare a meat broth always at the top

Beef broth can be used as a consomméor to prepare of the saucesof the soups and gods risottos.

A recipe that is suitable for any occasion. But it’s not enough to put all the ingredients in the pot to be sure of get a perfect broth Is it tasty. This recipe, although simple, requires a series of basic steps.

We add the salt only at the end of

Eg, it is important to use initially ofcold water and let all the ingredients cook a low flame. In addition to meat and vegetables, let’s not forget to use too bones. They cost very little and add flavor to the broth.

We add the salt only at the end of cooking. It is also important to strain the broth to remove impurities.

A few simple rules to follow to prepare a truly exceptional broth.

Did you know that these ingredients are perfect for flavoring broth? You will no longer be able to do without it

In addition to meat, the choice of vegetables is also very important. Celery, carrot and onion cut into large pieces are often used. But to make the broth tastier we can also add other ingredients.

Have you ever thought about Parmesan crusts? Perfect to replace salt. Before using them, we have to scrape the outside with a small knife. If they are too hard, soak them for 10 minutes in warm water.

But we can also flavor the dish by adding some bay leaves, cloves or a pinch of nutmeg. But let’s not exaggerate with the quantities, to avoid covering the flavor of the broth.

Did you know that these ingredients are perfect for flavoring broth and making it tastier?

An unexpected ingredient

Another special ingredient to use could be the miso. A flavor enhancer of the Japanese tradition, obtained from the fermentation of soybeans.

Another special ingredient to use could be

This dressing is truly a game changer. Not only for preparing oriental dishes, but miso also goes well with broth. Add a teaspoon towards the end of cooking. You won’t even need salt.

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