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Didn’t the garbage truck pass by your neighborhood yesterday? Saltillo City Council asks citizens to “save it”

The Municipality of Saltillo asked the residents of the neighborhoods where the collection truck did not pass yesterday, “save the garbage”…

Saltillo, Coahuila.- This Thursday morning some streets in the downtown area of saltillo They looked invaded by garbage, because the collection service did not come last night.

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Some streets in the downtown area of ​​Saltillo looked overrun with garbage.

According to some residents of the streets of Juárez, Zaragoza, Allende, Aldama and its surroundings, garbage collection did not arrive.

The Municipality of Saltillo requested to “save” the garbage until the collection truck passes…

Through a statement, the Municipality of saltillo asked the population to “Where the garbage collection truck did not pass yesterday, it can be stored and tomorrow, Friday, February 17, the respective collection will be carried out.”

Garbage invaded the streets of downtown Saltillo.

In addition, he added that the service for today is normal, although a demonstration of workers from Primary Services.

(Information in process)

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