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Different eating habits in the couple can separate them

You only eat certain things, him, everything; you want to lose weight, he only thinks about pizzas and hamburgers… How to prevent these differences from ruining the romance? Creating a support system. Here, how to achieve it.

* Open your ears, not your mouth. Listen to the problems and points of view that each of you have regarding the feeding, without delay to modify them. Communicating and respecting differences is key.

SIGHT: Bad habits in the gym Avoid them!

* Synchronize. Know your respective purposes and support each other to achieve it. If he’s trying to get off weightinstead of bringing forbidden foods home, eat them on the street and take any opportunity you get to praise their progress in public or in private.

Sharing the plate is a good tip. Photo: Stock.

* Share. If you decide to eat out, share the plates. In restaurants the portions are usually very large, and if you share them you will achieve two things: you will eat less and you will save money.

* Exercise together. Studies have shown that couples who go to the gym or work out together are more successful at maintaining their weight… and also his marriage.


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