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DiMo will protect information, even from the SAT

A new platform is coming to facilitate virtual money transactions between individuals.

This is a new functionality that was announced earlier this month by the Bank of Mexico, which is governed by Victoria Rodríguez Ceja.

It is a new tool that Banxico developed. Private banks are already working with the central bank to be able to offer it to their customers.

It is a tool that will allow money transfers between individuals who know each other and trust each other.

It is called Mobile Money or by its acronym DiMo.

The only thing that will be needed is the telephone number of the person who will receive the payment so that the person who wishes to deposit it does so from their own mobile phone.

DiMo will not replace CoDi as Digital Collection is known, a tool also from Banco de México.

DiMo and CoDi are different and will be complementary.

The CoDi is a platform that facilitates payment and collection transactions through electronic transfers, quickly, safely and efficiently, through mobile phones, at no cost, and in a 24-hour scheme, 7 days a week. week.

This platform is used to carry out transactions between people and commercial establishments.

DiMo is a platform that will facilitate payment and collection transactions between individuals who know and trust each other.

DiMo, assures the governor of Banco de México, will have no relationship with the treasury.

DiMo’s database will be held by the central institute and will not be accessible to commercial banks.

The Central Institute will protect the information of people, with the purpose of guaranteeing their security and trust.

DiMo, like CoDi, will operate through the Interbank Electronic Payment System (Spei). The Spei is Banxico’s payment infrastructure that allows its participants: banks, brokerage firms, sofipos and other regulated financial entities, to send and receive payments among themselves in order to provide their final customers with the electronic transfer service in real time.

The Spei is the backbone of the Mexican bank of banks. The Spei is a kind of central pipeline to which regulated financial institutions are connected.

Through this pipeline they safely charge and pay the accounts of banks and customers.

The CoDi and DiMo are the pipes through which payments run and will run between people and businesses and between individuals.

The CoDi has not had the expected performance, but it is making progress.

When it was launched in 2019, it was projected that the following year it would have 18.1 million users and 28 million transactions.

By 2021, it had barely reached 9.6 million accounts valid days and 2.57 million transfers.

Of course, you have to consider that the Covid-19 pandemic was experienced.

We will see how users receive DiMo.

You will have to overcome the natural distrust that most people have for the possibility that you can track them on SAT.

We will see.


With an investment of 13 billion dollars, Sempra Infraestructura will build a new natural gas liquefaction plant in Port Arthur, in Jefferson County, Texas, on the Gulf of Mexico.

Sempra, announced that its subsidiary –of which it owns 70%–, Sempra Infraestructura, made the final investment decision for the development, construction and operation of the Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 project.

The commitment of the company that has a presence in Mexico and the United States is for natural gas and towards a more sustainable future.

Its goal is a future with less carbon emissions globally.

Natural gas generates up to 20% less CO2 than conventional fuels and is free of other emissions.

Port Arthur will allow the export of this resource to countries in Europe and Asia. Just in February, it signed a memorandum of understanding with the CFE and Grupo Carso that is expected to materialize in the construction of a natural gas pipeline between Sonora and Baja California that will eventually connect the peninsula with the rest of the country.

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