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Dina Boluarte: “I don’t have a pact with the right. My only pact is with the population”

The President of Peru, Dina Boluarte, was consulted about the deaths that have been registered in the interior of the country after the violent demonstrations against its government. During an interview with the newspaper La República, the dignitary mentioned and stressed that there should not be more deaths in the country and that she has asked the Prosecutor’s Office for speed to find those responsible for these human losses.

“On repeated occasions and this would not be the exception, I have said that I am very sorry, that the death of these people hurts my heart. Dina Boluarte did not provoke the violence. The day I was sworn in, no one knew, neither the congressmen, nor Dina Boluarte, nor the ministers who were in the Executive branch at that time, knew that a coup promoted by the government was coming. former president castillo. How was I supposed to know all that violence that came later? It has not been easy for the Executive to take the measures to declare a state of national emergency, ”he said for the media.

The dignitary made it clear that she has requested that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in conjunction with the Public Ministry investigate these deaths with the aim of determining responsibilities.

Dina Boluarte will celebrate one month in power on January 7.

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“We, the Executive, have also invited the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. I have met with them, the premier as well, they have gone to ayacucho. And we have invited the high commissioner back. We have to wait for the results and the reports before wanting to pigeonhole ourselves in an issue that there has been a confrontation and that the Police and the Armed Forces… let’s wait for the investigations and it will be sanctioned according to the law, ”he said.

“We as Executive, as president, have made the necessary decisions to safeguard the peace, tranquility and life of 33 million people. Those who have led to the violence, those who are behind that violence, those who have said “let’s go and burn, let’s go and burn, let’s go and take over airports”, they will be responsible. Here we cannot be placing all the responsibility on the Executive because we have not said “hey, go out on the streets and take over airports, listen, go out on the streets and set fire here or set fire there.” We have to look in the breadth. I believe that the press cannot come to say “you, you, you.” And what about the other side of violence? What about those who have generated the violence? They are responsible. And if behind them, as you say, there are congressmen, there are leaders, there are politicians who are inciting the population and deliberately distorting history, they should assume their responsibility, ”he added for La República.

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During this dialogue, Dina Boluarte She was consulted about her relationship with the right and stated that she does not have any pact, since she is focused on working for the most vulnerable in the country.

“I have also been told that I have a pact with the right, which I have previously agreed with the right. These gentlemen, I still consider them my companions on the left, accuse me of that. I would tell them, and with whose votes did they vacate former President Castillo? Was it not with votes from the left? If they, the leftists, had been firm in defending who they now say is unjustly imprisoned, they would not have vacated him. I have no agreement with absolutely anyone. The only pact I have is with the population, ”he said.

Before finishing, Dina Boluarte She was consulted by the march for ‘La Paz’ that the PNP had called and assured that she had no knowledge of anything, but that she understands the intention of the forces of order to call for calm.

“Indeed, the PNP has issued a call and the only thing I can say about it is that the PNP is a guardian institution that must ensure the tranquility of society. I think they have already withdrawn their tweet and in good time, because they -I suppose- in that look of wanting peace and tranquility… is that this is an interest of all of us, except for this small group of citizens who are still calling for this January 4 to, once again, resume their protest marches. They are constitutionally protected, but I call on the people, the organizations to be peaceful marches, that do not generate disorder, chaos, fires, roadblocks. That is no longer a march as a protest, that is already leaving the legal framework”, he highlighted for the media.

In addition, Boluarte called for calm and assured that there should not be more deaths in Peru.

“There does not have to be, there does not have to be more deaths. That is why I call on the population to come out and protest, but they are not going to be allowed to vandalize either. They can’t keep blocking roads, they can’t keep looting businesses,” he said.


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