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DIRECT. War in Ukraine: Moldova reopens its airspace, after temporarily banning overflight for "safety and security reasons"

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2:59 p.m. : [Exclu @LCI @TF1Info #toutestpol]The Minister of Sports lists the reasons preventing the reintegration of Russians into the 2024 Olympics in Paris. #IOC France does not want athletes:-No support for Russia against Ukraine-No Russian funding-No Russian intervention

2:59 p.m. : For her part, the Minister of Sports explained on LCI the reasons why Russian athletes cannot be reinstated for the 2024 Olympics.

2:56 p.m. : The goal of the Olympic Movement, as per the Olympic Charter, is to promote sport “in a spirit of friendship, solidarity, and fair play”. Russia ruins not only fair play, but also lives of Ukrainian athletes. The real fair play is to ban Russian athletes from the Olympic Games.

2:56 p.m. : Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba once again calls on the IOC to exclude Russian and Belarusian athletes from the Paris Olympics. “Russia not only ruins fair play, but also the lives of Ukrainian athletes”, he wrote in a message accompanied by a clip. Kyiv says at least 220 Ukrainian athletes and coaches have died since the war began.

2:39 p.m. : Airspace reopened at 2:47 p.m. in Moldova (1:47 p.m. in Paris), announces the country’s Civil Aviation Authority. Overflight had been prohibited since 11:24 a.m. (10:24 a.m. in Paris), in order to “guarantee the safety and security of civil aviation”specifies the regulator in a press release (in Moldovan). At this stage, no further details have been released.

1:52 p.m. : Franceinfo had met, in March 2022, in Chisinau, the Moldovan capital, passers-by who were getting used to living as neighbors of a country at war, with the fear of contagion from the conflict.


1:50 p.m. : Moldova has temporarily closed its airspace, according to a message posted by Air Moldova airline. contacted by the Russian agency RIA Novosti (in Russian)Chisinau International Airport confirmed the cancellation of the flights, without providing further details.

2:23 p.m. : Yesterday, two Dutch Air Force F-35 fighters intercepted a group of three Russian military aircraft, reports the Dutch Ministry of Defense, as they flew over Polish airspace, near Kaliningrad (Russia). The F-35s carried out a surveillance mission on behalf of NATO. “Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin will multiply the provocations”commented the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, quoted by PAP (in Polish), “in order to test the vigilance of the Atlantic Alliance”.

1:19 p.m. : “On February 13, 18 prosecutors and police officers ?? started training on war crimes in #Paris. was opened by Mr. Kostiantyn Ablazov, Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of ?? in ??.

1:19 p.m. : Yesterday, 18 prosecutors and police began training in war crimes in Paris. This course is jointly organized by the French Embassy in Ukraine and the National School for the Judiciary. The French establishment had signed two agreements, at the end of last year, with the School of Judges and the Training Center for Ukrainian Prosecutors.

12:56 : “The goal is to overthrow the constitutional order and replace legitimate power with illegitimate power.”

Maia Sandu, the president of Moldova, accused Moscow of fomenting a coup against her country yesterday at a press conference. In particular, she mentioned possible “attacks on government buildings” And “hostage-taking by saboteurs with a military past camouflaged in civilian clothes”.

1:50 p.m. : Last month, we detailed in this article the beginning of the logistics puzzle after the green light for the dispatch of battle tanks.

1:49 p.m. : Norway announces that it will deliver eight Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.

1:29 p.m. : On the occasion of this summit, the allies of Kiev detail the next deliveries of German Leopard 2 tanks. These will be made by Germany, Poland, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands. Other models will be supplied by the United States, Poland and the Czech Republic, according to the American defense minister.

1:25 p.m. : “We will help Ukraine launch a counter-offensive in the spring.”

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says kyiv’s allies “continue their efforts and consider new solutions” to support Ukraine militarily. About fifty countries are taking part in a new meeting in the “Ramstein” format, organized this time in Brussels, at NATO headquarters.


11:27 : Moscow denounces (in Russian) “completely unfounded allegations”, after Moldovan President Maia Sandu exposed an alleged Russian plan to overthrow the pro-European power in place in Chisinau. The leader had mentioned, yesterday, possible “attacks on government buildings” And “hostage taking”based on information provided by Ukrainian intelligence.

11:23 : Germany will restart the production of ammunition for the Gepard guns, announces Minister Boris Pistorius, quoted by Reuters. This should make it possible to ensure the operational sustainability of the equipment delivered to kyiv. According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Ukraine currently uses more ammunition than its allies are able to produce.

09:57 : “We will even dance on the ruins of the world.”

How do we celebrate Valentine’s Day in Kyiv? Our reporter Omar Ouahmane invited himself into the basement (and air-raid shelter) of a bar frequented by tango enthusiasts. We hug each other because people need each other in life.”, proclaims the organizer of the evening.


09:31 : “Vladimir Putin is not preparing for peace. (…) So we must continue to provide Ukraine with what it needs to win.”

At this meeting of the U.S.-led Ukraine Support Group, “other commitments will be made” to accelerate the delivery of armaments and ammunition, assures the head of the transatlantic organization.

09:24 : A hug and a vigorous handshake. The head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, and the Ukrainian Minister of Defense, Oleksiy Reznikov, have just arrived at NATO headquarters in Brussels for a ninth meeting in the “Ramstein” format. During this summit, kyiv’s allies must notably discuss the protection of Ukrainian airspace. Ukraine intends to reiterate its request to obtain the transfer of combat aircraft.

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