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Disappear, ask for help on WhatsApp

Iris Velázquez / Reform Agency

Saturday, April 08, 2023 | 21:04

Sarahí Jiménez Mendoza, 28 years old, left her home last Friday for the Mercado de Abastos in the City of Querétaro and is now missing.

According to what was shared on social networks by relatives, he managed to send a message asking for help.

She was traveling in a brown Nissan Versa car, JLP-21-29 license plates from the State of Jalisco.

“He stopped communicating around 2:00 p.m. through a WhatsApp message that said: help,” posted Ana Méndez, a relative of the missing woman.

According to the information, the car in which Sarahí was traveling was found yesterday night in the Colonia Residencial del Parque, in El Marqués, Querétaro.

“Please, let’s keep sharing, we will find her and she will return home where we are waiting for her with a lot of love,” she requested.

According to the file issued by the Local Commission for the Search for Persons of the State of Querétaro, Sarahí Jiménez was dressed in a red sports outfit and sports shoes. She is 1.55 meters tall, has a light brown complexion, and has a mole on her left cheek.

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