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Disappeared without a trace after visiting the clinic: the police are looking for a 46-year-old woman in Engelthal

Disappeared without a trace during hospitalization: The police in the Nuremberg region is looking for one 46 year old womanthe am sunday morning (02.04.2023) in the clinic in Engelthal has disappeared.

According to the police, Elke G. from Neumarkt id Oberpfalz was in the clinic in Engelthal on Sunday. Around 9 a.m Elke G. left the clinic in Engelthal and has not returned since.

Search for missing woman in Engelthal

Search measures for the missing person have so far not led to Elke G being found. So far, there is no information as to where the missing person might have gone. It cannot be ruled out that she is in a helpless situation.

The police are asking for the help of the population in the search for the missing Elke G.

Elke G. can be described as follows:

  • About 160 cm tall
  • slim
  • brown, shoulder-length, wavy hair
  • green-brown eyes, wears glasses
  • A red discoloration of the facial skin caused by inflammation is striking
  • Ms G. is wearing blue jeans and a dark blue jacket

Information on the whereabouts of the 46-year-old is received by the Hersbruck Police Inspectorate on 09151 86900, as well as any other police station or the police emergency number 110.

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