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Disco Elysium: legal dispute concluded due to the case to ZA/UM? Sembrerebbe say no

Starting from this point of view, we have assisted in the susseguirsi of some vice-licensees from the ZA/UM following the atteggiamenti tossici and attempted robbery of IP. For this purpose, lo studio di sviluppo dietro the creation of some grandi produzioni videoludiche del calibro di Disco Elysium has announced the conclusion of the legal battaglie.

Infatti, being as much as indicated by the producer of Disco Elysium, Kaur Kender, some of the legal disputes are not without a conclusion following her mancanza di prove sufficienti per seguire lo scontro nelle apposite sedi giuridiche. Ciò si ricollega dunque al caso dello sviluppatore di Disco Elysium che ha fatto causa a ZA/UM ea tutte le vicende relative to quanto emerso in concomitanza dell’accaduto.

Quanto descritto sopra, avvenuto negli ultimi mesi dello scorso anno (notostante la vicenda abbia imprisoned departir dal 2021), è stato dapprima confirmed by the noto portale GamesIndustry, ove venivano riportate le testimonianze di più fonti anonymous. Immediately after the attempt to intrapreneurize a legal action on the part of Kender, citing Kumpus and ZA/UM per Unauthorized appropriation of more than 4 million eurosWe know that the stessa causa against the software house has been successively revoked.

Following this decision, which is followed by the restitution of the unduly obtained amount and the payment of the legal fees from Kender, the producer of Disco Elysium has said as follows: “I am grateful for the years of trust and cooperation with the team, which has made Disco Elysium a successful project. When I saw lasciato il mio rollo a tempo pieno, I tried a legal cause that I didafter seeing i fatti, essere sbagliatto“.

Il tutto sembrerebbe essere correlato alla mancanza di prove rispetto a quanto denunciato alle autorità competenti, seppure i rappresentanti di Kurvitz and Rostov (respectively the project lead and the lead artist of the IP of ZA/UM) abbiano provveduto a smentire le dichiarazioni della software house holding that the communication of this question is “fuorviante ed errato”. “We consider our discharge as part of a very long campaign against which we will pursue the legal options of consequence.” In another parole, sombrerebbe that the legal dispute is yet another that concludes per Kurvitz and Rostov. However, it is probable that they will continue to update their face later.

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