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Discover El Jamaliche’s trick for this Cuban dish

Discover El Jamaliche's trick for this Cuban dish

The Cuban-American chef Raidel Iván Garcíaknown on social media as The Jamalicheleft his fans a trick to cook the onion steak perfect.

This dish is a classic cuban cuisine, which everyone has made at home at some point. However, many people complain that their steak sticks to the pan or is not juicy like when their grandmothers made it.

The Jamaliche It has a key to taking advantage of all the flavor and so that you can “add sauce” to your white rice. Accompany this delicacy with fried plantains, some tostones, bread or whatever you like most. This is so delicious that it can be eaten alone.

Steak with onions recipe

The meat is the protagonist, so you will need good steaks for this recipe. They can be pork, beef or chicken, whatever type of meat you prefer, although in this case the chef recommends beef.

To season the steaks, add garlic, lemon, salt and pepper. The star ingredient of this dish, in addition to the meat, is the onion. It should be cut into julienne strips and you will not use it until the final minutes of preparation.

Marinate the steaks, let them sit in the juice for a few minutes, and prepare to cook them over high heat.

“There is no way for it to stick. What you have to do is wait until the pan is about to smoke. There is no fat at this time. The meat will release its juice and when it is drying, you must turn it over. This It’s back and forth,” explains the chef.

Once the steak is ready, you remove it from the heat and in that same pan you will add a little of the fat of your preference, be it butter, lard, olive oil or another and when it is hot, you add the cut onion. Let it cook for a couple of minutes and add a touch of the marinade juice and dry wine.

“We are going to add the onion and the sauce to the steak. All the flavors are there. This is a silk. This is the onion steak of the grandmothers of Cuba,” said The Jamaliche to his fans.

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