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“Disgust, horror”: the testimony of the mother of Assia, 14, prostituted by her ex-boyfriend

This Monday opens in Pontoise the trial of the pimp of Assia, accused of having prostituted her when she was a minor. A painful step for the mother of the victim, Jennifer Pailhé, who fought tirelessly to get her daughter out of her clutches.

It took Jennifer Pailhé three years to end the hold her daughter’s boyfriend had on her. This 35-year-old Toulousaine fought for months to get her daughter Assia out of the clutches of her pimp, whose trial opens this Monday in Pontoise.

“He took her to the field telling her that since they were on the run, they had to support themselves, pay for the hotel, buy food. So she did not feel like a prostitute, but only mumble while selling his body”, said in September 2021 Jennifer Pailhé at the microphone of RMC.

“I see the messages, I see the rates”

At the time, the young girl was 14 and had run away from her foster family to join her boyfriend and pimp in Paris. It is his mother who finds his trace on escorting sites, pretending to be a man.

“At first, it’s mostly disgust, horror. I don’t understand how my daughter, my 14-year-old baby, could have written these ads that I read with paid passes”, testifies to BFMTV his mother, Jennifer.

“I fall directly on the exchanges between her and the customers. I see the messages, I see the prices, I see the practices, I even see the photos of these naked men”, she says.

“A reconstruction for her”

Jennifer then goes back and forth between Paris and Toulouse to try to recover her daughter in vain. Until the day when she becomes pregnant and decides to return to her mother. Her boyfriend, aged 17 at the start of the incident, was arrested and remanded in custody. His trial for pimping opens on Monday.

“I expect from this trial that my daughter can express herself, that she can tell her what she has to say to her. Maybe this is a moment that will bring her down, but behind it is a reconstruction for her”, hopes Jennifer.

“The only thing that can ease my pain would be that this trial allow other families to have this recognition of victim and to be able to rebuild themselves”, says the one who is also president of the association “Our forgotten teenagers”.

Jennifer calls on the government to take up the issue of child prostitution. In France, each year, between 7000 and 1000 children are said to be victims.

Hugo Smague, Mathias Tesson, Maxime Meunier

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