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Distinguish Human Rights to BRP here

Due to its good practices with both employees and their families, the State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) awarded BRP a badge in Ciudad Juárez.

Equality, non-discrimination, environmental protection and non-corruption were some of the issues taken into account for said recognition.

With more than 70 indicators

Yair Hernández, coordinator of the preventive area of ​​the CEDH, said that it is a distinction that is granted to companies committed to human rights, which covers more than 70 indicators, of which BRP complied with the majority.

“BRP is one of the companies that from the beginning has been committed to this badge, which is being renewed today,” he said.

He explained that to obtain this badge the company must be voluntary to join, then there is a questionnaire regarding the actions developed within it.

Afterwards, the documents that prove the good practices that they develop are physically sent to them, to later receive a visit from the ECHR.

five more signatures

In addition to BRP, there are five other companies with the same badge and ten more are about to receive it.

Régis Gagnon, general manager of BRP 2, said that the badge is for the three plants that it has in Juárez.

“BRP has distinguished itself over the years for its commitment to our employees and the communities with which we operate. We care about having harmonious labor practices and promoting inclusion, non-discrimination, environmental protection and the well-being of our people”, he expressed.

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