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District coordinator Diana is dismissed

Chihuahua, Chih.- The second police officer Alaba Nidia G. was dismissed from her position as coordinator of the Diana District, after last night she was found driving while presumably intoxicated.

Through a statement, the Municipal Government of Chihuahua and the Municipal Public Security Directorate (DSPM) indicated that any act that goes against government principles will not be tolerated, in addition to calling on all public officials who collaborate in the present administration, to show ethical and responsible behavior at all times, inside and outside the offices.

Likewise, the item will be sent to the Honor and Justice Commission, to separate it from the coordination of the Diana district. In the same way, it will be reviewed with the Ethics Commission, to designate the person to coordinate, if applicable, the person who came in second place in the selection process for said position may be privileged.

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