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Divide the #EsClaudia campaign to the morenistas

Érika Hernández/ Reform Agency

Friday, December 30, 2022 | 07:13

CDMX.- The billboard campaign in favor of Claudia Sheinbaum, sponsored by federal deputies, generated division in the Morenista ranks.

Leaders of different currents demanded that the party leadership stop this campaign and guarantee fairness in the internal contest for the 2024 presidential candidacy.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador even called for all applicants “to have the same opportunity.” And he said that whoever plays dirty, acts advantageously or wants to be smart, will have a counterproductive effect.

“You have to be careful with excesses and you have to learn to limit yourself and respect the people,” he said when responding to the issue of the promotional campaign in favor of Sheinbaum, but did not allude to the issue of the possible illegality of proselytizing.

Morenista leaders questioned the #EsClaudia campaign, which, they said, contradicts the principles of the party.

“It has been our flag for years to avoid the improper use of resources; the argument that (those who support Sheinbaum) put forward for freedom of expression was the same that the PRI members gave when they accompanied Peña Nieto,” questioned Malú Micher, coordinator of groups of support of Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard.

“We asked Mario Delgado in August 2022 for clear rules and to bring together all the applicants. We have not seen any calls, no rules. The rule is that there are no rules,” he said.

“Morena is ‘peñatizing’. We are fighting to show the waste, we are falling into what we criticize. It goes beyond a level playing field, we demand fair play and that the militancy be the one to decide,” said deputy Daniel Sibaja, in turn, also an Ebrard supporter.

Alejandro Rojas, from Ricardo Monreal’s team, assured that Sheinbaum’s campaign is being planned from the National Palace, therefore the President does not intervene.

Arturo Ávila, from Adán Augusto López’s team, commented on Twitter that the President had already warned of the need to stop the excessive campaign. “Message sent: ‘The one who aspires and plays dirty or in an advantageous way or wants to be clever does not help him, he has a boomerang effect. Clearer than water,” he wrote.

The coordinator of Morena in the Aguascalientes Congress, Ana Gómez, who also supports Adán Augusto, called for equality.

“The leadership must take care of the process; the President made it clear that it was a matter of Morena. The leadership must call for restraint, but above all for equity,” he said.

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