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Divided local troop and few summons in the landing of Patricia Bullrich in La Plata

The presidential candidate of the PRO, Patricia Bullrichreturned to La Plata this Saturday to lead an act in Plaza Belgrano, which had a modest call and ended up further exposing the differences within his local troop. The former Minister of National Security promised “make labor and tax reforms and restore order”.

The activity, despite the strong investment in networks and the attempt to mobilize through various channels made by the La Plata leadership that organized its landing, did not have the expected turnout, nor did it manage to build a scenario consistent with the battle that the president of the PRO – in use of license- is freeing to get to the Casa Rosada.

Bullrich shared the stage with the senator joaquin de la torre and the mayor of Captain Sarmiento Javier Iguacel, who are fighting to be the pre-candidate for governor; the senator John Paul Allanwho is running for mayor and organized the event, and former prosecutor Marcelo Romerowho joined the space after taking advantage of retirement benefits.

The other candidates for mayor, the secretary of Special Projects of the municipality, Mauro Palummoand former councilor Julio IruruetaThey arrived almost at the end of the act to take photos with Bullrich. “Patricia called me and asked me to go because she wanted me to be there with her yes or yes because she did not want to go down to La Plata without me,” Palummo told 0221 and clarified: “I am your political reference in the city”. Deputy Daniel Lipovetzkywho also competes to be the “hawk” chosen by the former Minister of Security, was the only one who did not contribute for the position.

When speaking before the militancy present, Bullrich raised the changes that she will apply if she is elected president. “We are totally determined to make a change in Argentina that will turn around and end the years of opprobrium of Kirchnerism. We need this change to be irreversible, to be once and for all because the existential anguish that we have today is very deep.”, said And added: “I do not want promises, I do not promise, I go with real politics, I tell them things as they are. We have to make labor reforms, tax reforms, real reforms”.

also promised “restore public order” and assured that if she is elected president she will not allow “illegal demonstrations and pickets” that affect the productive activities and transportation of workers. “The owners of the street have to be the ones who work, not the ones who live on extortion”, Shooting. He also said that “his hand does not tremble” against criminals.”I am going to go strong against those who steal the future of people, who enter houses and kill, who destroy entire families. I know how to do it,” he said he.

Already going down to the local electoral terrain and in an ambiguous gesture, Bullrich singled out Allan and raised the continuity of the Juntos project for the city. “Juan Pablo Allan has all the strength and enthusiasm to propose a continuity of the government of Together for Change here, with a new identity, with a new face, with a new freshness, with a new possibility,” he said, while who pondered the former prosecutor Romero and assured that “he was always fighting against the mafia, against all those who made the lives of people a waste.”

Allan, for his part, maintained that Bullrich’s arrival in La Plata “encourages and encourages us to continue working to put the city in order” and maintained that “as a team, we are prepared to take charge of the country, the province and the municipality.” .

In addition to the scarce call, the act generated several complaints because the organization “armored” the monument to the Flag to hang flags and did not allow anyone to approach. In addition, the photojournalists who came to cover the event stated that “there was mistreatment” of the press.

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