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Do not do this if you are on top of a helicopter in CoD: Modern Warfare 2

In a hilarious video, a hapless Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player accidentally knocks over his own helicopter while using the rocket launcher JOKR in a game.

The short video is just one of the many funny but unfortunate deaths of Modern Warfare 2 which have entertained many fans of the franchise.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of the most popular first-person shooters right now, with thousands of players from all over the world facing off in online matches. With a wide variety of weapons to choose from, some players tend to lean towards the heavier ordnance, like the game’s intimidating lock-on launcher, known as JOKR.

By wielding this weapon, opposing players could be wiped out in an unexpected explosion. However, the player wielding this launcher is usually not the one who has to worry about getting killed.

Unfortunately, a Modern Warfare 2 player fell victim to his own attack while wielding the infamous JOKR. While this isn’t the first unfortunate self-deletion in Modern Warfare 2, it’s a hilarious mistake.

Everything seemed to be going well for Downbikachu, but a throw with the JOKR comically flips backwards and heads straight for the player. As the projectile flies closer and closer to Downbikachu, Downbikachu realizes it, and all he can do is scream before being knocked out.

paul a.

I have been working as a journalist for Debate Media since 2020, I use the platform to communicate my interest in video games, cinema and technology, seeking to transmit the information in a clear and fun way. I have a special taste for shooters, without forgetting indie games and anything that includes an engine and four wheels (or two).

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