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Do you agree with the Marathon not to go to the derby?

Poll / La Maratona invites you to leave the stadium on the occasion of the derby due to the new conditions imposed: are you for or against?

Derby or no derby: this is the dilemma that has begun to afflict Torino fans in the last few hours. The triggering cause of this Hamletic doubt are the conditions imposed by the Juventus club to be able to buy tickets. In fact, it has become necessary to register on the Juventus website, which has not been digested by the fans, especially the ultras who have chosen to take action with a tough stance. “The Maratona curve announces that it will not be present at the Derby. Our being Ultras is totally incompatible with the ridiculous conditions they would like to impose on us. Giving up the derby hurts, but the idea of ​​signing up to their site is disgusting. We cannot bend to the rules of the hunchbacks: we leave the sector empty“, these are the words used in the Marathon press release to invite people to desert the stadium. The return derby, which will be played at the Allianz Stadium, is approaching, and the people of the grenade don’t have much time left to reflect on what to do. And are you for or against this initiative? In our survey today we ask you to tell us which side you are on. You can vote in the appropriate box.

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