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Do you charge your cell phone at free stations? Here’s the (important) warning from the FBI

sand take advantage of long waiting periods in shopping centres, airports or summer festivals to charge your mobile phone, it is likely that you will want to stop doing so. A new alert launched by the FBI may change your mind.

According to the US agency, these charging stations are vulnerable to computer attacks and, in fact, ‘hackers’ have already managed to take advantage of these stations to contaminate mobile phones connected to the chargers. This means that while you are charging your mobile phone, you may be allowing malicious software to be installed on your mobile device.

“Avoid using free charging stations at airports, hotels and shopping centres. Bad actors have managed to find ways to use these public USB ports to introduce malicious software and monitor software installed on devices. Take your own charger and USB cable and use an electrical outlet”can be read in the ‘tweet’ of the official page of the FBI Denver.

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