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Do you have a know-it-all friend who always wants to be right? Science explains why and why

A know-it-all friend who always wants to be

We have all had at one time or another experience of a person who always thinks they are right. And often he doesn’t even doubt it, he is simply certain of it. The problem does not lie in the bad horoscope of the day, but is explained by the so-called Dunning – Kruger effect. Let’s see what it is.

Many know the famous phrase attributed to the Athenian philosopher Socrates that the only thing he knew was that he didn’t know. We’re not really sure we can attribute it to him, also because he left no written text. However, recent studies in the field of cognition seem to prove that he was right. Anyone who thinks they know everything will pass as know-it-alls.

Anyone who thinks they know everything will pass as

On the other hand, however, educated people believe they don’t have the solution at hand and are unsure of not having the right answer. Do you have a know-it-all friend who always wants to be right? Here is the reason, namely the Dunning-Kruger effect. And perhaps we may realize that we are running into the same phenomenon.

An observation that sparked a celebrated study

Dunning and Kruger, the authors of the study, had noticed that the more people showed confidence on the subject, much less did they know him. In summary, the ignorant had the solution for everything. In contrast, educated people had little certainty.

It is about theeffect of a cognitive distortion. Similar to those who dive into a swimming pool from above believing it is deep or those who take a longer step believing there is a non-existent step. To demonstrate the theory, the two scholars carried out practical experiments of a sociological and cognitive nature.

For example, they asked increasingly specialized students to self-assess their academic preparation. Or they asked financial information to groups that contained people who had suffered the economic failure of their company.

Those with more optimistic self-evaluation means had less knowledge of a topic. And those who actually demonstrated poor command of a system were much more confident in providing their own answers on a given topic. The reason found by the two scholars had a simple explanation, even if it had many effects. Those who know little about a subject, little realize how complex it is. Everything seems easier.

Those who know little about a topic, little realize how complex it

Do you have a know-it-all friend who always wants to be right? Here’s the reason.

Perhaps we will notice how this affects people’s behavior by reading the arguments of our contacts on Facebook. But also within many speeches politicians resort to this effect. Providing a simple answer gets a great impression from those who know little about a topic, which will almost always be a large number of voters.

Furthermore, for a natural empathy of the human brain (based on the functioning of the so-called mirror neurons), how we interpret a phenomenon depends on how it is presented to us. An elementary language brings about a simple answer.

We can thus put among the good resolutions to be implemented for the new year that of considering more carefully the depth of many themes. And leave the monthly horoscope for topics such as love and luck.

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