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Do you know this alternative use of dishwasher salt? It will solve a big problem in the garden

Get to know this alternative use of dishwasher

Do you have extra dishwasher salt? If you have no idea what to do with it, you can use it outside the home. In fact, you may not know it but it will be a formidable ally to get rid of a problem concerning the garden. Here’s what it is and how you can fix it with this ingredient.

There are products that you always use in the same way, not knowing their innumerable properties. Some of them, in fact, lend themselves to many alternative uses that will help you in ways you couldn’t even imagine. One of them is the salt you put in the dishwasher. It is not only very useful for the proper functioning of your appliance, but if used correctly it will also have a significant impact on gardening chores. Once you find out, you will certainly never go back.

Dishwasher salt contributes to its proper

What is it usually used for

Do you regularly use salt in your dishwasher? If not, you should get some as soon as possible. Indeed, you must know that plays a very important role in the efficiency of the appliance and can make it last a long time. Obviously, we are referring to the specific product on the market and not to the simple sodium chloride which gives flavor to the dishes. In any case, the reason that makes this type of salt so important concerns the formation of a stubborn enemy of the house. Let’s talk about limestone, which is also responsible for bad smells.

Typically, dishwashers have a water softener. This serves to keep it soft and prevent the appearance of elements that would harden it. By adding a dose of salt you will favor the regeneration of the ion exchange resinsessential for this task. The inserted product will not end up in the washing cycle, but will be subsequently expelled with the waste water.

If you know this alternative use of dishwasher salt, you have solved an unpleasant situation

The specific salt is therefore an ally in cleaning your dishwasher, as much as the tablet. But the one just seen is not the only way to use it. In fact, you’ll be amazed to know how equally practical it is in the home garden. But for what purpose? Simple, to eliminate the weeds that infest it. To use it as a herbicide, pour about 1 kg into 5 liters of hot water and add a few drops of vinegar. When you’ve made your home brew, you can pour it into a spray bottle or sprinkle it from a watering can. Use it on sidewalks, driveways and patios. Instead, avoid distributing it directly on the plants, since it is not a specific product for their care. Now that you know this alternative use of dishwasher salt you won’t be able to do without it and you’ll love it.

Pour about 1 kg into 5 liters of hot water and add a few drops of

Is coarse salt OK in the dishwasher?

As we said earlier, one product is not worth another in dishwasher care. Therefore, if you are thinking of using coarse salt instead of specially prepared salt, you are making a mistake. Although the two products look alike, their composition is different. Dishwasher salt is purer and contains anti-scaling substances. What you use in the kitchen, whether coarse or fine, it would only risk compromising performance.

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