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Do you know which are the most used ingredients in the kitchen? Here is the list of the 5 essentials

The most used ingredients in the

5 ingredients to have in the pantry to prepare an infinite number of recipes. Even when you don’t know what to cook and you don’t have anything in the fridge, they’re enough. Let’s see the list of indispensable ingredients that everyone should have.

Do you always think you have nothing at home to cook with? How many times do you come back after a long day at the office and have no idea what to eat. And yet, if we have these 5 ingredients at home we can safely put on a good meal. Can you guess what they are?

Do you know which are the most used ingredients in the kitchen to always have at home?

The first ingredient among the most used in the kitchen and indispensable for every Italian family is olive oil. L’extra virgin olive oil it is the most used ingredient and the basis of Mediterranean diet also for its authenticity. It is not surprising that it is never lacking in Italian homes because it also gives flavor to a sad salad. We then move on to the so-called seasonings, garlic and onion they vie for the place as the second most used ingredient. There are those who prefer garlic, especially with fish, while there are those who love onion, which is much more versatile. But what is certain is that both are not lacking in the kitchen, just like the pepper, both black and mixed. A spice used from North to South, also to replace salt and give more flavor to our dishes.
Then we find the last two ingredients, the Flour and then the butterin last position. Flour is certainly a precious commodity that allows us to feed even an entire family. Useful for the bread, cakes, béchamel and custard, to name a few preparations. But then there is the butter, which even if it is not comparable to EVO oil is widely used almost everywhere.

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For example, using only the butter he was born in chocolate fondant we can prepare a tasty filling cream. Not only will it be good and delicious, but also suitable for people with celiac disease or who don’t eat eggs. Using only the onions we can prepare an infinite number of recipes. From soup to baked au gratin or even stuffed onions. All we need is a tasty onion, like that Tropea red or that of cannara.
Finally, with flour and baking powder a world of different possibilities opens up, from bread at the focaccia. All it takes are a few precautions and every bread and focaccia will always be soft and puffy. But also i cream puffs or the bechamel if we also use butter and milk. For this reason these ingredients are essential to have in all kitchens.
And do you know which ingredients are most used in cooking in Italy and in the world? With these few ingredients always in the pantry or in the fridge, every meal is guaranteed.

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