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Do you sleep with your dog during the winter? This habit can be dangerous.

Sleeping with your dog during the winter could be more dangerous than you think, warns a veterinarian. There are risks for you and your furry friend.

Many owners have a very close relationship with their pet, treating them as if they were flesh and blood people. Some even sleep with them, especially during the coldest winter months. Know, however, that sleeping with your dog during this period can pose a danger.

One of the main reasons for concern is overheating. Often, due to the cold, dogs seek the warmth of your bed’s warm sheets. However, if using thick blankets and duvets, some dogs may have trouble getting out of bed if they are too hot.

“Very small dogs, puppies, senior dogs and dogs with arthritis or other mobility issues may struggle to find a safe exit if they are getting too hot,” said veterinarian Katy Alexander, in statements to the The Telegraph.

In addition to heavy blankets, the specialist also warns of electric blankets, that can cause burns and whose electrical cord is dangerous if chewed.

Sleeping with your dog can also affect your sleep quality. A 2020 study found this habit increased people’s movement at night. Previous studies, however, have found no link between sleep quality and sleeping with your pet.

There is also the other side of the coin. A 2018 study concluded that women who sleep next to their dogs have “stronger feelings of comfort and security” during the night. However, with cats, most owners said it was a sleep disorder.

Daniel Costa, ZAP //

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