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Do you suffer from varicose veins? This anti-inflammatory medicinal herb will help you fight them

Do you suffer from varicose veins?  This anti-inflammatory medicinal herb will help you fight them

Whether your problem is that you spend too many hours sitting in the office, or if, on the contrary, your days standing are too intense, it may be that your cardiovascular health and your circulation are suffering the consequences. And it is that, spending too many hours in the same position, can affect your blood supply and cause some discomfort that can affect your quality of life, but that can also lead to varicose veins and spider veins. One of the most common venous conditions in Spain, especially in women.

On this, we know that the best way to combat them is in overcome sedentary lifestyle, lead an active life, do regular physical exercise and ensure a healthy diet; but in addition to this, it is also possible to resort to some home alternatives and natural remedies.

On this occasion, we want to propose the use of a medicinal and aromatic plant with important benefits, including the ability to help improve circulation, while reduces inflammation and thus helping to combat varicose veins. We tell you what it is.

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What are varicose veins and why do they appear?

Varicose veins are venous dilations that usually appear in the legs, although they can also occur in other areas of the body. A condition caused by a inability of veins to return blood flow used by the tissues to the heart.

Inside these blood vessels there are, in turn, a series of valves similar to a nest, it is precisely these that allow the blood flow to circulate in the direction of the heart, preventing the effect of gravity (when standing or too many hours sitting) the blood circulates in the opposite direction and stagnates.

Regarding the causes of their appearance, there are a large number of possible circumstances that can lead to triggering them. Among the most common are Obesity and overweight. And it is that, this factor can make the tissues need more blood flow to function, producing an overload in the veins.

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On the other hand, when we spend too many hours standing or sitting, a circulatory buildup tends to occur in the lower extremities due to a pressure mechanism. On the other hand, when our muscles work by squeezing the veins and promoting blood circulation by exercise and be activethe risk of varicose veins appearing is reduced.

The appearance of varicose veins can also be more frequent in cases with a family history of having suffered them, since this can generate a greater genetic predisposition to suffer them

What is the difference between varicose veins and spider veins?

As with varicose veins, spider veins are a fairly common ailment and also have a higher incidence in women. In fact, it is estimated that they affect 20-30% of the population over 35 years of age.

In the case of spider veins, these are also small veins that are usually not dilated, but are superficial and easily visible through the skin. These do not constitute a health problem, unlike varicose veins, but on occasions they can cause itching, sensation of heat, stinging…

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Its shape is usually like a branch or in the shape of a spider and its fundamental difference with respect to varicose veins is that they do not represent any type of clinical problem, but are simply a aesthetic problem.

The medicinal herb that will help you fight varicose veins

If you also suffer the consequences of poor circulation in the legs, in addition to a lot of hydration, physical exercise and a balanced and healthy diet, in a complementary way you can resort to one of the most recommended home remedies to combat those varicose veins and spider veins.

To carry it out you will simply need to use rosemary. This plant, rich in a compound called rosmaricin, has significant positive effects on blood circulation. In fact, there are many specialists who recommend its use. to treat varicose veins and relieve tired legsapplying a massage with a tonic made from this aromatic plant.

To enjoy its anti-inflammatory benefits, you will simply need to apply a massage with a tonic rich in rosmaricin, such as rosemary alcohol. Read on to find out how to get it.

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How to prepare rosemary alcohol step by step

Making rosemary alcohol at home is very simple, for this you will only need to follow the following steps and get these ingredients:


  • 250 ml of alcohol over 90º
  • 50 grams of fresh rosemary leaves


  1. Pour the alcohol into a bottle and then add the rosemary leaves.
  2. Cover the bottle and let the rosemary macerate for about 15 days in a dark place.
  3. Once this time has passed, filter the mixture and transfer it to an opaque bottle.
  4. Now you can make use of rosemary alcohol on your skin.

How to apply rosemary alcohol to improve circulation

Once you have this mixture prepared, you will be ready to use it and enjoy its benefits to improve circulation.

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To use it, you will first need to exfoliate the areas of the body where varicose veins have appeared, then clean your skin with a little warm water. Once clean, you can use a little rosemary alcohol and apply it to the affected areas through a massage with circular movements and with the help of your fingertips.

Try to perform this massage for at least 20 minutes and then let the skin absorb the rosemary alcohol. use this mixture every three days and for a month so you can start seeing your benefits.

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