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Do you throw away the leaves and stems of the artichoke? You absolutely must try to recycle them like this

Throw away the leaves and stems of the

Nothing is thrown away from the artichoke and we could try to use its waste in this way also to limit food waste.

Many times it happens, in the kitchen, to waste food. This is because it is not known how best to use all parts of a food. Precisely for this reason today we will talk about the artichoke. The artichoke is a food that can be prepared in many different ways. When you go to clean, however, sometimes you also eliminate some parts that can be used for the purposes of the recipe.

The artichoke is a complete

How to clean the artichoke

First of all let’s try to understand how to clean. The first thing to do is go to rub a little lemon on your hands. This is because when we use the artichoke it can happen that the hands turn black, due to the substances present in the artichoke itself. The lemon juice will then have to go to wet the artichokes, again for the same reason and thus prevent it from blackening. At this point we eliminate the tip and the outermost leaves. We can use these, so let’s put them aside. We remove the hardest part of the stem and then cut the artichoke as we prefer.

Do you throw away the leaves and stems of the artichoke? You absolutely have to try these recipes

The outer leaves we talked about earlier, they could be used to prepare a kind of vegetarian carpaccio or even vegan. We could also prepare some excellent ones pancakes. The ingredients in question are:

  • 300 g of leaves;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 300 g of flour;
  • 250 g of grated cheese;
  • salt and pepper;
  • fry oil.

Leaves and uses

The preparation will be quite simple, it will be enough create a batter and put the leaves inside the batter. Mix everything well and fry in hot oil. This can be an idea for a quick and excellent appetizer. Another alternative could be to prepare delicious ones baked snacks. For example we can put the cauliflower leaves on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and cook them at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. They should be crunchy and tasty. If desired, we could also add some spices such as turmeric or paprika.

Artichoke leaves as a

Artichoke stems, what to cook

Even for the stems of the artichoke the uses can be different. For example when we prepare the risotto to artichokes, using the leaves but also the stems can give that extra touch of class and give a unique and special flavour. For an artichoke risotto we will need:

  • rice;
  • grated cheese;
  • garlic, salt and pepper;
  • broth;
  • oil;
  • wine;
  • butter.

These are the main ingredients to get our first course. With artichoke waste, actually, you can also create an excellent hot broth. Perfect for the winter season, it can help, added together with other vegetables, to create a broth with an authentic flavour. Leaves and stems can also be used in the making of velvety And centrifuged of fruit and vegetables. So if you throw away the artichoke leaves and stems, you could try many of these alternatives in order to reduce waste but increase the taste.

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