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Do you want to counteract hair loss? Experts advise these vitamins

Do you want to counteract hair loss?  Experts advise these vitamins

However, thanks to advances in science, you can learn how the adequate intake of vitamins can benefit you. These powerful substances not only help maintain good health in the body, but also play a crucial role in hair care.

Approximately the 85 to 90% of the hair follicles of a normal scalp they are in the anagen phase, characterized by active growth that can extend over several years.

This is followed by the catagen phase, a transition stage that slows hair growth and lasts about 14 days. Then, the resting telogen phase lasts between three and four months and is when the hair ages and falls out. Normally, between 50 and 100 hairs are lost a day.

Hair loss above these normal values ​​is considered alopecia. She’s lost can be caused by various factorssuch as genetics, aging, autoimmune diseases, hormonal changes, and stress.

Some hair loss is normal, however, you can strengthen it by eating foods high in vitamins.

This has a significant negative impact on patients on a psychological and emotional level. However, micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, according to the study: “play an important rolethough not entirely clear, in normal hair follicle development and immune cell function.”

Likewise, they explain that the deficiency of these may be a risk factorcan be an important factor in the development of conditions related to hair loss, such as alopecia, its prevention and subsequent treatment.

  • Vitamin A: promotes hair growth and retains moisture in the scalp. You can get it from spinach, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, milk, eggs, mango, papaya, and watermelon.
  • Biotin o Vitamin B7: strengthens the hair and prevents its weakening. A lack of biotin can cause hair loss and nutrition problems on the scalp. You can consume egg yolk, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, milk, cheese and yogurt.
  • Vitamin C: strengthens the immune system and fights free radicals that affect hair growth. Contributes to the production of collagen, essential for hair health. Get it from citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and strawberries.
  • Vitamin D: stimulates the growth of new hair follicles and prevents alopecia. Among some sources that can produce it are moderate sun exposure, fatty fish, egg yolk and fortified milk.
  • Vitamin E: Rich in antioxidants, it reduces oxidative stress and hair loss. Contributes to maintaining hair health. You can consume spinach, broccoli, nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts, mango and kiwi.

Avoid inconvenience by going to a doctor or nutritionist, y especially for hair to a dermatologist, in order for it to study your specific case.

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