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Doctors point out the 5 most important pieces of advice to avoid cancer

O National Cancer Institute estimates 700 thousand new diagnoses of tumors in 2023. The causes are usually multifactorial, the disease can be linked to both genetic characteristics and lifestyle habits.

Oncologists have been repeating for some decades that cancers are several diseases – until now, at least 200 different types of tumors have already been described.

“Although the causes vary and each patient has a specific health history, research has already linked some lifestyle habits as higher risk factors for the development of cancer”, comments oncologist Janyara Teixeira, from Oncologia D´Ór.

Among the main risk factors mapped are sedentary lifestyle, smoking, low-quality diet, obesity, use of alcoholic beverages and inadequate sun exposure.

The environmental context, such as being exposed to pesticides and insecticides, is also associated with the development of some types of tumors.

With the help of specialists Janyara Teixeira and Anderson Silvestrini, from Oncologia D´Ór, the metropolises put together a list of the best advice for avoiding cancer. Check out!

1. No smoking

Oncologist Anderson Silvestrini explains that 30% of deaths caused by cancer are linked to smoking. Therefore, one of the most important pieces of advice is to quit smoking.

Doctors warn that, in addition to lung cancer, cigarette smoking is also linked to neoplasms in the esophagus, in the head and neck regions and in the bladder.

2. Pursue a healthy diet

Doctors highlight the importance of maintaining a balanced diet to avoid cancer. Janyara Teixeira recalls the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding the consumption of processed meats, such as ham, sausage, sausage, bacon, salami, mortadella and smoked turkey breast.

3. Maintain proper weight

Obesity can increase the chances of developing tumors. “It is important to keep your weight within the recommended limits of Body Mass Index (BMI). The limit considered healthy for adults is a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m²”, explains Janyara.

Silvestrini points out that physical activities help in weight regulation and keep the body functioning efficiently, therefore they are also allies in the prevention of tumors.

4. Use sunscreen

Skin cancer is the most common type in Brazil. “Using sunscreen and avoiding exposure to the sun at peak hours reduces the risk of melanoma and non-melanoma cancer,” says Silvestrini.

In addition to sunscreen, it is also recommended to wear a hat, a long-sleeved shirt and stay under tents when in direct sunlight.

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5. Take tracking exams

In a scenario where the incidence of cancer is increasing due to the aging of the population, screening is another important point.

According to doctors, it works as a kind of secondary prevention, allowing tumors to be detected at an early stage, which enables greater treatment options.

  • A gynecological pap smear can find inflammation in the cervix, which can be treated before cancer develops;
  • Mammography, when performed after 40 every one or two years, decreases the chance of dying from breast cancer by about 20%.
  • Colonoscopy, if done periodically, decreases the chance of death from bowel cancer by between 20 and 30%.

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