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Does airing make sense when it’s raining?

  • That’s why airing so important
  • You have to Ventilate when it rains note
  • So you can Mold avoid in house and apartment

Around ten liters of steam gives a family of four to the air per day. Warm air absorbs much more moisture than cold air. This also leads to so-called condensation on cold surfaces. That can also with cold surfaces in apartments happen – for example in cool room corners or on lintels. This can lead to increased mold, such as that Consumer Center warns. But something can be done about it: airing. But what’s the use if it’s outside raining?

Ventilate when it rains: you should pay attention to this

In addition to avoiding mold, there is another reason to ventilate regularly. When breathing, people and animals walk Oxygen to Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) around. If the air in a room is perceived as “stale”, this is often due to a combination of too high a CO₂ concentration, human vapors and pollutants and smells from furniture and building materials. The resulting polluted room air can tiredness and problems concentrating trigger. Alternating heating and ventilation also helps to healthy living climate to create, so the Consumer Center. However, the heating should not run with the window open.

Even if it’s raining or foggy outside, you should don’t forget to ventilate. Even after heating, the outside air is still drier than the used indoor air. In general, cold air can hold less moisture than warm air. Therefore, the cooler the room temperature, the more frequent ventilation should be. rooms like bathroom or bedroom should dem MOT according to all day slightly heated being. Thereby heat herself too walls. Constant cooling down and heating up again becomes more expensive in the long run than maintaining a lowered permanent temperature.

“In the winter they should The apartment is specifically ventilated in the mornings and evenings preferably through wide-open windows in every room,” recommends Walter Dormagen from TÜV Rheinland in Cologne Verivox. “This is particularly important in the bedroom in the morning, so that the moisture that Breathing and sweating at night has arisen, can be deducted.” The following applies: the colder the outside temperature, the shorter the ventilation process. In freezing temperatures, that’s enough five-minute airing the end.

Ventilation when it rains: That’s why it’s important

It is also interesting to know that just because it is raining does not automatically mean that there is a high humidity reigns. Because the humidity depends on several factors – for example also on the temperaturewrites Utopia. Most weather reports include relative humidity. But the combination of ventilation and heating is also important in rainy weather. Because if it’s about as cold outside as inside, ventilation when it’s raining may not help to reduce the humidity in the room. Therefore one should not only ventilate, but also heat. Energy expert Martin Brandis from the consumer advice center recommends to Utopia that the room temperature be as high as possible not below 16 degrees dropped to prevent mold.

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How long and how often you should ventilate depends on various factors. The best you can do is at one hygrometer orientate. This shows the relative humidity in rooms and is available for a few euros in hardware stores or online. This allows you to see when it is time to ventilate – rain or shine. submit brief airing not sufficient to lower the humidity in a room, it is also advisable to close the windows for some time tilted to permit. but Danger: Just tilting the windows is not enough.

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