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Does your cat hate you? Look at these very common behaviors of your feline friend to figure it out

Does your cat hate you?

Many don’t know that their cat can’t stand them. To understand if yours also doesn’t want anything to do with you, here are the behaviors you should observe from your feline friend

Anyone who has a pet at home knows how important it is to take care of it and give it everything it needs. In particular, we must be careful of any kind of need that our four-legged friend may have. The way our pets communicate their needs to us is also non-verbal. And, precisely for this reason, we must pay particular attention to their attitudes, even the most annoying ones for us.

Particularly, If you have a cat, you should look closely at some aspects of its behavior which could mean that he is not as comfortable with you as you thought.

Here are some attitudes of our cat that could indicate his intolerance towards us

Cats are complex and complicated animals to understand but, at the same time, they know how to give a lot of love. In fact, by granting it the right space and due care, our cat will sweat us out. Unfortunately, however, sometimes our efforts do not bear the fruit we hoped for. And it may happen that our animal is not tied to us as much as we are to him. To understand if even your little friend is not exactly at ease with you, try to analyze the following behaviors.

Cats have different ways of expressing their discomfort. Primarily, try to control your feline friend’s tail. If the tail is stiff and always pointing down, it means that your cat really doesn’t like your company.

Beware of the

Moreover, if every time you approach the cat stares at you, you should be careful. As common as this behavior seems, it could mean that he is getting defensive because he doesn’t trust you 100%..

Does your cat hate you? Look at these very common attitudes and try to understand why

Last but not least, try to see if your cat hides too often. In fact, as normal as it may seem, it actually is it could mean that he doesn’t want to be found by you. The situation becomes even more critical if the cat has these attitudes only with you, while with the others he is friendly and calm. The reasons could be many: from a move to another house to the hours of solitude that she had to live.

A move to another house could upset the

So, wondering does your cat hate it? Look at these very common behaviors and try to fully understand the causes that led to this situation.

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