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Dog sleeps in the bed: is that unhygienic? Dog trainer explains

Many dog ​​owners are happy when they can snuggle up in bed with their four-legged friends in the evening. Others don’t allow their dogs to get on the bed because they don’t disgusting Find. But is there a question Can the dog go to bed?, any right answer at all? Dog trainer and animal psychologist Rita Kampmann advises caution.

You should consider whether you allow that and then stay consistent“, Kampmann said Bavaria 1st. In principle, however, there is nothing wrong with the dog sleeping in the bed. However, owners should not allow it one day and then ban it again. The dog wouldn’t understand that at all. Clear rules are particularly important for animals.

Dog sleeps in the bed: disgusting or not?

But now to them disadvantages, if you share the bed with the dog. There is something to the fear of disgust. After all, dogs are outside with their paws. The same applies to cats. Dirt from the road, mud from the forest and meadow, all of this stays on the paws for a while and brings bacteria to bed that would normally not get there. As retaining animal hair on the bedding.

If you let your dog sleep in the bed, you should therefore pay particular attention to hygiene. This includes, for example, the Washing bedding more often than usual. A study came to the conclusion that men’s beards are sometimes dirtier than dog fur. What conclusions you draw from this for your dog – or your beard – is up to you.

However, there are other possible problems if the dog shares the bed. Because what if another person comes along? If the new partner has the dog Not wants to have in bed, that means a change for the four-legged friend. “Reeducation is possible, but it can stress for the dog mean,” explains Kampmann.

Dog on bed or sofa: trainer gives tips – and a compromise proposal

If there is a change and something is taken away from the dog at the same time, the animal can link this to the new situation. This can be difficult for both dog and owner. In such a case, Kampmann recommends making the basket or dog bed particularly tasty for the dog. If the four-legged friend lies down in his new place, he should extensively praised will.

Tip for dog owners: View dog blankets for at home and on the go on Amazon

Alternatively, the dog trainer suggests a compromise: “You can also give the dog one ‘legal’ place on the bed or sofa create, for example with a blanket.” So the dog is only allowed to go up “his” ceiling lie. If he leaves it, you can gently push him back. If he stays on it, he gets great praise.

Ultimately, however, dog owners should make their decision the welfare of the animal to keep in mind. Because even if you find it nice and cuddly to have your dog in bed with you, not every dog ​​wants that at all. “There are also dogs that don’t want to go to bed at all because, for example, too warm is,” says Kampmann.

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